front 1 1) All of the following may function in signal transduction in plants
except | back 1 Answer: B |
front 2 2) External stimuli would be received most quickly by a plant cell if
the receptors for signal transduction were located in the | back 2 Answer: A |
front 3 3) What would happen if the secondary messenger cGMP was blocked in
the de-etiolation pathway? | back 3 Answer: C |
front 4 4) If protein synthesis was blocked in etiolated cells, what would be
necessary for the "greening" of these cells? | back 4 Answer: D |
front 5 5) The detector of light during de-etiolation (greening) of a tomato
plant is (are) | back 5 Answer: C |
front 6 6) Charles and Francis Darwin concluded from their experiments on
phototropism by grass seedlings that the part of the seedling that
detects the direction of light is the | back 6 Answer: A |
front 7 7) Plants growing in a partially dark environment will grow toward
light in a response called phototropism. Which of the following
statements is true regarding phototropism? | back 7 Answer: C |
front 8 8) Which of the following conclusions is supported by the research of
both Went and Charles and Francis Darwin on shoot responses to light?
| back 8 Answer: C |
front 9 9) We know from the experiments of the past that plants bend toward
light because | back 9 Answer: C |
front 10 10) Which of the following is a major mechanism whereby hormones
control plant development? | back 10 Answer: B |
front 11 11) Evidence for phototropism due to the asymmetric distribution of
auxin moving down the stem | back 11 Answer: A |
front 12 12) According to modern ideas about phototropism in plants, | back 12 Answer: A |
front 13 13) A plant seedling bends toward sunlight because | back 13 Answer: D |
front 14 14) The apical bud of a shoot produces ________, resulting in the
inhibition of lateral bud growth. | back 14 Answer: E |
front 15 15) After some time, the tip of a plant that has been forced into a
horizontal position grows upward. This phenomenon is related to
| back 15 Answer: E |
front 16 16) Gravitropism in plant shoots and roots differ in that | back 16 Answer: E |
front 17 17) The ripening of fruit and the dropping of leaves and fruit are
principally controlled by | back 17 Answer: D |
front 18 18) Which plant hormones would likely be found in high amounts in a
sprouting vegetative stem? | back 18 Answer: A |
front 19 19) Which of the following plant hormones would be found in very low
amounts in a mature, water-stressed tomato plant? | back 19 Answer: B |
front 20 20) The plant hormone involved in aging and ripening of fruit is
| back 20 Answer: B |
front 21 21) When growing plants in culture, IAA is used to stimulate cell
enlargement. Which plant growth regulator has to now be added to
stimulate cell division? | back 21 Answer: D |
front 22 22) Why do coleoptiles grow toward light? | back 22 Answer: D |
front 23
23) Which of the following statements applies to plant growth
| back 23 Answer: B |
front 24 24) Plant hormones produce their effects by | back 24 Answer: D |
front 25 25) Why might animal hormones function differently than plant
hormones? | back 25 Answer: D |
front 26 26) Which of the following hormones would never be found in high
concentrations in a dormant overwintering flower bud? | back 26 Answer: D |
front 27 27) Plant hormones can have different effects at different
concentrations. This explains how | back 27 Answer: D |
front 28 28) Auxins (IAA) in plants are known to affect all of the following
phenomena except | back 28 Answer: B |
front 29 29) How does indoleacetic acid affect fruit development? | back 29 Answer: D |
front 30 30) Oat seedlings are sometimes used to study auxins because | back 30 Answer: D |
front 31 31) Auxin triggers the acidification of cell walls, which results in
rapid growth, but also stimulates sustained, long-term cell
elongation. What best explains how auxin brings about this dual growth
response? | back 31 Answer: C |
front 32 32) If a farmer wanted more loosely packed clusters of grapes, he
would most likely spray the immature bunches with | back 32 Answer: B |
front 33 33) Which of the following plant hormones are most likely to act
synergistically if expressed or applied to a drought-stricken plant?
| back 33 Answer: D |
front 34 34) Which of the following statements best summarizes the acid growth
hypothesis in an actively growing shoot? | back 34 Answer: B |
front 35 35) According to the acid growth hypothesis, auxin works by | back 35 Answer: D |
front 36 36) Which of the following hormones would be most useful in promoting
the rooting of plant cuttings? | back 36 Answer: E |
front 37 37) Which of the following plant hormones would most likely be found
in high concentrations in a mature, slightly overripe fruit? | back 37 Answer: E |
front 38 38) The aleurone layer is stimulated to release ________ and ________
as a result of giberrellin release from the embryo. | back 38 Answer: D |
front 39 39) Which of the following field treatments would be most likely to
result in a wheat or corn field with most of the plants of uniform
height? | back 39 Answer: C |
front 40 40) If you were shipping green bananas to a supermarket thousands of
miles away, which of the following chemicals would you want to
eliminate from the plants' environment? | back 40 Answer: C |
front 41 41) Which of the following is currently the most powerful method of
research on plant hormones? | back 41 Answer: E |
front 42 42) We tend to think of plants as immobile when, in fact, they can
move in many ways. Which of the following is a legitimate way in which
plants move? | back 42 Answer: C |
front 43 43) Which of the following plant growth responses is primarily due to
the action of auxins? | back 43 Answer: E |
front 44 44) Experiments on the positive phototropic response of plants
indicate that | back 44 Answer: D |
front 45 45) Why are lateral buds often inhibited from sprouting even though a
stem may be actively elongating? | back 45 Answer: A |
front 46 46) The synthesis of which of the following hormones would be a
logical first choice in an attempt to produce normal growth in mutant
dwarf plants? | back 46 Answer: C |
front 47 47) Incandescent light bulbs, which have high output of red light,
are least effective in promoting | back 47 Answer: C |
front 48 48) Both red and blue light are involved in | back 48 Answer: A |
front 49 49) Seed packets give a recommended planting depth for the enclosed
seeds. The most likely reason some seeds are to be covered with only
1/4 inch of soil is that the | back 49 Answer: C |
front 50 50) A short-day plant will flower only when | back 50 Answer: D |
front 51 51) A flash of red light followed by a flash of far-red light given
during the middle of the night to a short-day plant will likely
| back 51 Answer: B |
front 52 52) Many plants flower in response to day-length cues. Which of the
following statements best summarizes this phenomenon? | back 52 Answer: E |
front 53 53) Which of the following treatments would enhance the level of the
Pfr form of phytochrome? | back 53 Answer: B |
front 54 54) Most plants close their stomata at night. What color of light
would be most effective in promoting stomatal opening in the middle of
the night? | back 54 Answer: C |
front 55 55) The houseplants in a windowless room with only fluorescent lights
begin to grow tall and leggy. Which of the following treatments would
promote more normal growth? | back 55 Answer: C |
front 56 56) In legumes, it has been shown that "sleep" (nastic)
movements are correlated with | back 56 Answer: B |
front 57 57) Which of the following statements is correct with regards to a
"circadian rhythm" in plants? | back 57 Answer: A |
front 58 58) The biological clock controlling circadian rhythms must
ultimately | back 58 Answer: B |
front 59 59) Plants often use changes in day length (photoperiod) to trigger
events such as dormancy and flowering. It is logical that plants have
evolved this mechanism because photoperiod changes | back 59 Answer: A |
front 60 60) If the range of a species of plants expands to a higher latitude,
which of the following processes is the most likely to be modified by
natural selection? | back 60 Answer: B |
front 61 61) What does a short-day plant require in order to flower? | back 61 Answer: D |
front 62 62) If a short-day plant has a critical night length of 15 hours,
then which of the following 24-hour cycles will prevent flowering?
| back 62 Answer: D |
front 63 63) A long-day plant will flower if | back 63 Answer: D |
front 64 64) Plants that have their flowering inhibited by being exposed to
bright lights at night are | back 64 Answer: D |
front 65 65) Classic experiments suggested that a floral stimulus, florigen,
could move across a graft from an induced plant to a noninduced plant
and trigger flowering. Recent evidence using Arabidopsis has recently
shown that florigen is probably | back 65 Answer: B |
front 66 66) A short-day plant exposed to nights longer than the minimum for
flowering but interrupted by short flashes of light | back 66 Answer: D |
front 67 <p>67) A long-day plant will flower <br>A) in the late fall. <br>B) when the night is shorter than a critical value. <br>C) only under artificial light in the summer. <br>D) during short days with proper fertilization. <br>E) regardless of the photoperiod imposed.</p> <p>67) A long-day plant will flower <br>A) in the late fall. <br>B) when the night is shorter than a critical value. <br>C) only under artificial light in the summer. <br>D) during short days with proper fertilization. <br>E) regardless of the photoperiod imposed.</p> | back 67 Answer: B |
front 68 68) What do the results of research on gravitropic responses of roots
and stems show? | back 68 Answer: B |
front 69 69) Which of the following best describes positive gravitropism
exhibited by plant roots? | back 69 Answer: A |
front 70 70) Vines in tropical rain forests must grow toward large trees
before being able to grow toward the sun. To reach a large tree, the
most useful kind of growth movement for a tropical vine presumably
would be the opposite of | back 70 Answer: B |
front 71 71) A botanist discovers a plant that lacks the ability to form
starch grains in root cells, yet the roots still grow downward. This
evidence refutes the long-standing hypothesis that | back 71 Answer: A |
front 72 72) Which of the following watering regimens will be most effective
at keeping a lawn green during the hot, dry summer months? | back 72 Answer: C |
front 73 73) You are part of a desert plant research team trying to discover
crops that will be productive in arid climates. You discover a plant
that produces a hormone under water-deficit conditions that triggers a
suite of drought responses. Most likely the hormone is | back 73 Answer: A |
front 74 74) If you wanted to genetically engineer a plant to be more
resistant to drought, increasing amounts of which of the following
hormones might be a good first attempt? | back 74 Answer: A |
front 75 75) Plant cells begin synthesizing large quantities of heat-shock
proteins | back 75 Answer: E |
front 76 76) Most scientists agree that global warming is underway; thus, it
is important to know how plants respond to heat stress. Which of the
following would be a useful line of inquiry to try and improve plant
response and survival to heat stress? | back 76 Answer: B |
front 77 77) In extremely cold regions, woody species may survive freezing
temperatures by | back 77 Answer: E |
front 78 78) Which of the following is a likely response of plants to cold
stress? | back 78 Answer: C |
front 79 79) Bald cypress and loblolly pine are both gymnosperm trees native
to the southern United States. The cypress grows in swamps; the pine
grows in sandy soil. How do you think their anatomies differ? | back 79 Answer: A |
front 80 80) The initial response of the root cells of a tomato plant watered
with seawater would be to | back 80 Answer: C |
front 81 81) Which of the following best explains both the growth of a vine up
the trunk of a tree as well as the directional growth of a houseplant
toward a window? | back 81 Answer: C |
front 82 82) The rapid leaf movements resulting from a response to touch
(thigmotropism) primarily involve | back 82 Answer: B |
front 83 83) Which of the following is the most likely plant response to an
attack by herbivores? | back 83 Answer: D |
front 84 84) In order for a plant to initiate chemical responses to herbivory,
| back 84 Answer: B |
front 85 85) Plants are affected by an array of pathogens. Which of the
following is a likely plant defense/response against disease? | back 85 Answer: A |
front 86 86) A pathogenic fungus invades a plant. What does the infected plant
produce in response to the attack? | back 86 Answer: B |
front 87 87) Which of the following would be the most effective way to prevent
herbivory in a non-woody plant? | back 87 Answer: D |
front 88 88) The transduction pathway that activates systemic acquired
resistance in plants is initially signaled by | back 88 Answer: C |
front 89 89) Which of the following would only be activated or upregulated
after a plant has already been infected by a pathogen? | back 89 Answer: B |
front 90 90) A plant will recognize a pathogenic invader | back 90 Answer: D |
front 91 91) What is the probable role of salicylic acid in the defense
responses of plants? | back 91 Answer: B |
front 92 92) When an arborist prunes a limb off a valuable tree, he or she
usually paints the cut surface. The primary purpose of the paint is to
| back 92 Answer: D |
front 93 93) Plant hormonal control differs from animal hormonal control in
that | back 93 Answer: A |
front 94 94) Unlike animal hormones, plant hormones are mainly | back 94 Answer: C |
front 95 95) In cases where plants exhibit generalized defense responses in
organs distant from the infection site, this is termed | back 95 Answer: B |
front 96 ![]() 96) The heavy line in Figure 39.1 illustrates the relationship
between auxin concentration and cell growth | back 96 Answer: A |
front 97 ![]() 97) The results of this experiment, shown on the left of the graph
(area A), may be used to | back 97 Answer: D |
front 98 ![]() 98) This experiment suggests that the unknown amount of gibberellin
in the experimental plant (B) is approximately | back 98 Answer: C |
front 99 99) In nature, poinsettias bloom in early March. Research has shown
that the flowering process is triggered three months before blooming
occurs. In order to make poinsettias bloom in December, florists
change the length of the light-dark cycle in September. Given the
information and clues above, which of the following is a correct
statement about poinsettias? | back 99 Answer: A |
front 100 100) A botanist exposed two groups of the same plant species to two
photoperiods–one with 14 hours of light and 10 hours of dark and the
other with 10 hours of light and 14 hours of dark. Under the first set
of conditions, the plants flowered, but they failed to flower under
the second set of conditions. Which of the following conclusions would
be consistent with these results? | back 100 Answer: E |
front 101 101) The hormone that helps plants respond to drought is | back 101 Answer: E |
front 102 102) Auxin enhances cell elongation in all of the these ways except
| back 102 Answer: C |
front 103 103) Charles and Francis Darwin discovered that | back 103 Answer: D |
front 104 104) How may a plant respond to severe heat stress? | back 104 Answer: E |
front 105 105) The signaling molecule for flowering might be released earlier
than usual in a long-day plant exposed to flashes of | back 105 Answer: B |
front 106 106) If a long-day plant has a critical night length of 9 hours,
which 24-hour cycle would prevent flowering? | back 106 Answer: B |
front 107 107) A plant mutant that shows normal gravitropic bending but does
not store starch in its plastids would require a reevaluation of the
role of ________ in gravitropism. | back 107 Answer: C |
front 108 108) Which type of mutant would be most likely to produce a bushier
phenotype? | back 108 Answer: E |