front 1 Which of the following ecological locations, if destroyed, would result in the greatest loss of species diversity?
| back 1 C |
front 2 Estimates of current rates of extinction
| back 2 C |
front 3 Extinction is a natural phenomenon. It is estimated that 99% of all species that ever lived are now extinct. Why then do we say that we are now experiencing an extinction (loss of biodiversity) crisis?
| back 3 C |
front 4 Which of the following provides the best evidence of a biodiversity crisis?
| back 4 D |
front 5 Although extinction is a natural process, current extinctions are of concern to environmentalists because
| back 5 C |
front 6 Which of the following terms includes all of the others?
| back 6 B |
front 7 The difference between an endangered species and a threatened one is that
| back 7 A |
front 8 What is our innate appreciation of wild environments and living organisms called?
| back 8 C |
front 9 Which of the following is the most direct threat to biodiversity?
| back 9 D |
front 10 According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN), 73% of species have become extinct, endangered, vulnerable, or rare because of
| back 10 D |
front 11 What is the biological significance of genetic diversity between populations?
| back 11 A |
front 12 Overharvesting encourages extinction and is most likely to affect
| back 12 B |
front 13 How might the extinction of some Pacific Island bats called flying foxes threaten the survival of over 75% of the tree species in those islands?
| back 13 D |
front 14 The introduction of the brown tree snake in the 1940s to the island of Guam has resulted in
| back 14 B |
front 15 Which of the following examples poses the greatest potential threat to biodiversity?
| back 15 D |
front 16 Which of the following species was driven to extinction by overharvesting by hunters/fishermen?
| back 16 B |
front 17 The wood turtle (Glyptemys insculpta) is a small, long-lived turtle that is endangered through much of its range in North America. As their populations shrink in size, it becomes even more difficult for turtles to find mates, and small populations have steadily become smaller. What best describes what the wood turtles in small populations are experiencing?
| back 17 B |
front 18 Which of the following conditions is the most likely indicator of a population in an extinction vortex?
E) The population is connected only by corridors | back 18 D |
front 19 ![]() Review the formula for effective population size, Imagine a population of 1,000 small rodents. Of these, 300 are breeding females, 300 are breeding males, and 400 are nonbreeding juveniles. What is the effective population size?
| back 19 C |
front 20 f the sex ratio in a population is significantly different from 50:50, then which of the following will always be true?
| back 20 E |
front 21 Which of the following can potentially influence effective population size (Ne)?
| back 21 D |
front 22 The word triage originated during World War I and was first used by French doctors in prioritizing patients based on the severity of their wounds because there were more wounded soldiers in need of urgent care than there were resources to treat them. Conservation biologists have to make similar determinations with degraded ecosystems. Which of the following is the most important consideration when it comes to managing for maintenance of biodiversity?
| back 22 B |
front 23 The primary difference between the small-population approach (S-PA) and the declining-population approach (D-PA) to biodiversity recovery is
| back 23 A |
front 24 Managing southeastern forests specifically for the red-cockaded woodpecker
| back 24 B |
front 25 Which of the following is true about the current research regarding forest fragmentation?
| back 25 B |
front 26 According to the small-population approach, what would be the best strategy for saving a population from extirpation?
| back 26 C |
front 27 Relatively small geographic areas with high concentrations of endemic species and a large number of endangered and threatened species are known as
| back 27 C |
front 28 How is habitat fragmentation related to biodiversity loss?
| back 28 C |
front 29 Brown-headed cowbirds utilize fragmented forests effectively by
| back 29 B |
front 30 Which of the following is consistent with forest fragmentation research?
| back 30 C |
front 31 How are movement corridors potentially harmful to certain species?
| back 31 C |
front 32 Biodiversity hot spots are not necessarily the best choice for nature preserves because
| back 32 C |
front 33 The success with which plants extend their range northward following glacial retreat is best determined by
| back 33 C |
front 34 As the climate changes because of global warming, species' ranges of plants in the Northern Hemisphere may move northward, using effective reproductive adaptations to disperse their seeds. The trees that are most likely to avoid extinction in such an environment are those that
| back 34 A |
front 35 If global warming continues at its present rate, which biomes will likely take the place of the coniferous forest (taiga)?
| back 35 B |
front 36 Which of the following investigations would shed the most light on the future distribution of organisms in temperate regions that are faced with climate change?
| back 36 B |
front 37 Burning fossil fuels releases oxides of sulfur and nitrogen. These air pollutants can be responsible for
| back 37 B |
front 38 How can human-caused environmental changes create problems for selecting a site for a preserve?
| back 38 B |
front 39 What is a critical load?
| back 39 D |
front 40 The use of DDT as an insecticide in the United States has been outlawed since 1971, yet it is still a problem for certain top-level carnivores in the United States. Which of the following choices best explains this apparent incongruity?
| back 40 A |
front 41 Agricultural lands frequently require nutrient augmentation because
| back 41 B |
front 42 Which of the following refers to the reflecting and absorption of infrared radiation by atmospheric methane, carbon dioxide, and water?
| back 42 C |
front 43 What is caused by excessive nutrient runoff into aquatic ecosystems?
| back 43 D |
front 44 What causes extremely high levels of toxic chemicals in fish-eating birds?
| back 44 B |
front 45 Considering the most important ecological issue of the future, what is the biggest challenge that Costa Rica will likely face in its dedication to conservation and restoration in the future?
| back 45 A |
front 46 Which of the following nations has become a world leader in the establishment of zoned reserves?
| back 46 A |
front 47 Which of the following best explains the reduction in human population growth rates over the past four decades?
| back 47 C |
front 48 Which statement is true with regard to current human population growth?
| back 48 C |
front 49 The typical ecological footprint for a person in the United States is 8 global hectares (gha). How would you estimate the number of Earths required to support the entire population of the United States?
| back 49 A |
front 50 The main goal of sustainable development is to
| back 50 C |
front 51 Which of the following best illustrates human efforts to improve environmental sustainability?
| back 51 B |
front 52 Which of the following best illustrates the sustainable use of a resource?
| back 52 C |
front 53 The concept of sustainable development emphasizes
| back 53 A |
front 54 Which of the following is the most sustainable source of energy?
| back 54 C |
front 55 ![]() Figure 43.1 shows five patches that can potentially serve as quail habitat. Each patch contains four plots, and the types of cover that are available in each plot are listed in each row of the patch. Assuming that only one quail can occupy a plot where all cover requirements are met, what is the maximum number of quail that could inhabit all of the patches?
| back 55 E |
front 56 ![]() Which area(s) would be most suitable for conserving amphibians, which are highly susceptible to a pathogenic (disease-causing) chytrid fungus?
| back 56 E |
front 57 ![]() Which area(s) would be able to support the most scarlet tanagers, a bird species that is restricted to forest interior habitat?
| back 57 C |
front 58 ![]() The American lady butterfly (Vanessa virginiensis) inhabits only forest edges and does not disperse well across unsuitable habitat. Which of the following area(s) would support the highest numbers of this butterfly?
| back 58 D |
front 59 ![]() Flycatcher birds that migrate from Africa to Europe feed their nestlings a diet that is almost exclusively moth caterpillars. The graph in Figure 43.3 shows the mean (peak) dates of bird arrival, bird hatching, and caterpillar season for the years 1980 and 2000. Flycatcher birds that migrate from Africa to Europe feed their nestlings a diet that is almost exclusively moth caterpillars. The graph in Figure 43.3 shows the mean (peak) dates of bird arrival, bird hatching, and caterpillar season for the years 1980 and 2000. The shift in the peak of caterpillar season is most likely due to
| back 59 D |
front 60 ![]() Flycatcher birds that migrate from Africa to Europe feed their nestlings a diet that is almost exclusively moth caterpillars. The graph in Figure 43.3 shows the mean (peak) dates of bird arrival, bird hatching, and caterpillar season for the years 1980 and 2000. Why were ecologists concerned about the shift in the peak caterpillar season from June 3, 1980 to May 15, 2000?
| back 60 C |
front 61 Suppose you attend a town meeting at which some experts tell the audience that they have performed a cost-benefit analysis of a proposed transit system that would probably reduce overall air pollution and fossil fuel consumption. The analysis, however, reveals that ticket prices will not cover the cost of operating the system when fuel, wages, and equipment are taken into account. As a biologist, you know that if ecosystem services had been included in the analysis the experts might have arrived at a different answer. Why are ecosystem services rarely included in economic analyses?
| back 61 A |
front 62 The contamination of soils with heavy metals has become more common as a result of the burning of fossil fuels, industrial activities, and agricultural fertilizer application. These heavy metals can be toxic depending on the concentrations that accumulate in an organism. A scientist hypothesizes that biological magnification of heavy metals in fragment-dwelling, insect-eating birds should be greater in forest fragments with relatively more edge habitat because edge-dwelling bird species may forage for insects in contaminated areas outside of the forest. Forest fragments with more interior habitat would not have as much biological magnification because insect-eating interior bird species would have less exposure to insects that contain heavy metals To test this hypothesis, the scientist conducts an experiment. Which of the following designs would be most informative?
| back 62 B |
front 63 The contamination of soils with heavy metals has become more common as a result of the burning of fossil fuels, industrial activities, and agricultural fertilizer application. These heavy metals can be toxic depending on the concentrations that accumulate in an organism. A scientist hypothesizes that biological magnification of heavy metals in fragment-dwelling, insect-eating birds should be greater in forest fragments with relatively more edge habitat because edge-dwelling bird species may forage for insects in contaminated areas outside of the forest. Forest fragments with more interior habitat would not have as much biological magnification because insect-eating interior bird species would have less exposure to insects that contain heavy metals The scientist wishes to summarize the data in a way that can be compared to other studies on biological magnification of heavy metals in insect-eating birds that live in other forest fragments. What is the best way for the scientist to summarize the data for comparative purposes?
D) Calculate the sum total concentrations of heavy metals across all the birds found in a fragment, and divide by the size of the fragment | back 63 B |
front 64 The contamination of soils with heavy metals has become more common as a result of the burning of fossil fuels, industrial activities, and agricultural fertilizer application. These heavy metals can be toxic depending on the concentrations that accumulate in an organism. A scientist hypothesizes that biological magnification of heavy metals in fragment-dwelling, insect-eating birds should be greater in forest fragments with relatively more edge habitat because edge-dwelling bird species may forage for insects in contaminated areas outside of the forest. Forest fragments with more interior habitat would not have as much biological magnification because insect-eating interior bird species would have less exposure to insects that contain heavy metals How should the scientist draw a graph of the data to best address the hypothesis?
| back 64 A |
front 65 The contamination of soils with heavy metals has become more common as a result of the burning of fossil fuels, industrial activities, and agricultural fertilizer application. These heavy metals can be toxic depending on the concentrations that accumulate in an organism. A scientist hypothesizes that biological magnification of heavy metals in fragment-dwelling, insect-eating birds should be greater in forest fragments with relatively more edge habitat because edge-dwelling bird species may forage for insects in contaminated areas outside of the forest. Forest fragments with more interior habitat would not have as much biological magnification because insect-eating interior bird species would have less exposure to insects that contain heavy metals The scientist finds that the heavy metal concentration in the insect-eating birds of a fragment does not depend on the relative amount of edge habitat of that fragment. Which of the following describes how experimental error may have influenced the results?
| back 65 B |
front 66 One characteristic that distinguishes a population in an extinction vortex from most other populations is that
| back 66 C |
front 67 The main cause of the increase in the amount of CO2 in Earth's atmosphere over the past 150 years is
| back 67 D |
front 68 What is the single greatest threat to biodiversity?
| back 68 B |
front 69 Which of the following is a consequence of biological magnification?
| back 69 A |
front 70 Which of the following strategies would most rapidly increase the genetic diversity of a population in an extinction vortex?
| back 70 B |
front 71 Of the following statements about protected areas that have been established to preserve biodiversity, which one is not correct?
| back 71 A |
front 72 Your friend is wary of environmentalists' claims that climate change could lead to major biological change on Earth. Which of the following statements should you use to support the biological predictions associated with climate change?
| back 72 C |