front 1 How many bones make up the cranium? a. 4 b. 6 c. 8 d. 10 | back 1 c. 8 |
front 2 How many bones make up the face? a. 6 b. 10 c. 12 d. 14 | back 2 d. 14 |
front 3 The cranial bones are rigidly jointed together by articulations called? a. joints b. bursae c. sutures d. cartilage | back 3 c. sutures |
front 4 All of the following are cranial bones except the: a. maxillae b. frontal c. sphenoid d. occipital | back 4 a. maxillae |
front 5 All of the following are facial bones, except the: a. ethmoid b. maxillae c. mandible d. zygomatic bones | back 5 a. ethmoid |
front 6 Which skull suture is found between the frontal and parietal bones? a. sagittal b. coronal c. squamosal d. lambdoidal | back 6 b. coronal |
front 7 Which skull suture is located between the parietal bones? a. hyoid b. coronal c. sagittal d. squamosal | back 7 c. sagittal |
front 8 A line drawn between the lateral margin of the orbit and the E.A.M. is called: a. glabellomeatal line b. orbitomeatal line c. outer orbital line d. external meatal linen | back 8 b. orbitomeatal line |
front 9 Which of the following bones contain air sinuses? 1. ethmoid 2. frontal 3. sphenoid a. 1 and 2 b. 1 and 3 c. 2 and 3 d. 1, 2, and 3 | back 9 d. 1, 2, and 3 |
front 10 Which bone has condyles that articulate with the atlas of the cervical spine? a. temporal b. occipital c. parietal d. foramen magnum | back 10 b. occipital |
front 11 The zygomatic arches are a part of which bone? a. frontal b. parietal c. temporal d. sphenoid | back 11 c. temporal |
front 12 Which bone in the skull contains the auditory organs and the organs of hearing? a. temporal b. sphenoid c. occipital d. ethmoid | back 12 a. temporal |
front 13 The petromastoid portion is a part of which bone? a. temporal b. sphenoid c. occipital d. ethmoid | back 13 a. temporal |
front 14 The vestibulocochlear organ is the organ of: 1. hearing 2. sensation 3. balance a. 1 and 2 b. 1 and 3 c. 2 and 3 d. 1, 2, and 3 | back 14 b. 1 and 3 |
front 15 Which of the following is located in the internal ear? a. concha b. bony labyrinth c. tympanic membrane d. external acoustic meatus | back 15 c. tympanic membrane |
front 16 Which of the following is located in the internal ear? a. concha b. auditory tube c. tympanic membrane d. semicircular canals | back 16 d. semicircular canals |
front 17 Which of the following is NOT one of the auditory ossicles? a. stapes b. malleus c. incus d. meatus | back 17 d. meatus |
front 18 What is the name of the structure that houses the pituitary gland? a. sella turcica b. sphenoid strut c. sphenoid fossa d.Turk's fossa | back 18 a. sella turcica |
front 19 Which of the following bones helps form the base of the cranium: a. hyoid b. sphenoid c. parietal d. frontal | back 19 b. sphenoid |
front 20 The bregma in an adult would be referred to as what in an infant? a. anterior fontanel b. posterior fontanel c. anterior fissure d. posterior sulcus | back 20 a. anterior fontanel |
front 21 Which of the following is NOT one of the sutures of the cranium? a. coronal b. squamosal c. lambdoidal d. occipital | back 21 d. occipital |
front 22 Which of the following skull types is considered average in size and shape? a. mesocephalic b. brachycephalic c. dolichocephalic | back 22 a. mesocephalic |
front 23 Which skull type is narrow from side to side? a. mesocephalic b. dolichocephalic c. brachycephalic | back 23 b. dolichocephalic |
front 24 In a typically shaped head, the petrous pyramids project anteriorly and medially at what angle? a. 37 degrees b. 40 degrees c. 47 degrees d. 54 degrees | back 24 c. 47 degrees |
front 25 How many bones are contained in the skull? a. 8 b. 14 c. 22 d. 24 | back 25 c. 22 |
front 26 The bones of the cranium are joined together by fibrous joints called: a. diploë b. sulci c. sutures d. cartilage | back 26 c. sutures |
front 27 Which of the following bones is contained in the floor of the cranium? 1. ethmoid 2. sphenoid 3. temporal a. 1 and 2 b. 1 and 3 c. 2 and 3 d. 1, 2, and 3 | back 27 d. 1, 2, and 3 |
front 28 Which of the following bones are contained in the calvarium? 1. frontal 2. parietal 3. temporal a. 1 and 2 b. 1 and 3 c. 2 and 3 d. 1, 2, and 3 | back 28 a. 1 and 2 |
front 29 The suture located between the occipital bone and the parietal bones is the: a. lambdoidal b. squamosal c. sagittal d. corona | back 29 a. lambdoidal |
front 30 The six areas of incomplete ossification in a newborn infant's skull are called the: a. sulci b. sutures c. diploë d. fontanels | back 30 d. fontanels |
front 31 The opening into the apex of the orbit for the transmission of the optic nerve and opthalmic artery is called the: a. optic canal b. foramen c. foramina ovale d. foramina rotundum | back 31 b. foramen |
front 32 Which of the following foramina lie in the sphenoid bone? 1. optic foramen 2. jugular foramen 3. foramina rotundum a. 1 and 2 b. 1 and 3 c. 2 and 3 d. 1, 2, and 3 | back 32 b. 1 and 3 |
front 33 The superior aspect of the sphenoid bone contains a deep depression that contains the: a. pituitary gland b. pineal gland c. carotid sulcus d. optic canal | back 33 a. pituitary gland |