front 1 What clip is used for scalp hemostasis in cranial procedures? | back 1 Raney |
front 2 The local freezing if diseased tissue to facilitate removal without bleeding is called | back 2 Cryosurgery |
front 3 In severe aortic stenosis, what is not an indications of valve replacement | back 3 Palpitations |
front 4 In the event a child requires emergency surgery, but the parents cannot be located to sign the surgical consent: | back 4 Consent is signed by two consulting physicians |
front 5 Ethylene Oxide (ETO) sterilization destroys microbes by the process of: | back 5 Alkylation |
front 6 What is the most common cause of aortic aneurysm? | back 6 Atherosclerosis |
front 7 What is used to determine the position of cannulated screws during repair of a femoral neck fracture? | back 7 Guide pins |
front 8 ![]() The instruments show are used to dilate the: | back 8 Cervix |
front 9 ![]() What are the instruments below called and used for what procedure | back 9 Hagar dilators / D&C |
front 10 Prior to being placed in the Eto sterilizer, items must: | back 10 Be completely dry |
front 11 During general anesthesia induction, which sense is the last to be experienced by the patient? | back 11 Hearing |
front 12 The purpose of creating an arteriovenous fistula is for: | back 12 Hemodialysis |
front 13 What nerve is at greater risk during a thyriodectomy? | back 13 Recurrent laryngeal |
front 14 Which nerve could be compressed against the humerus in the prone position? | back 14 Radial |
front 15 What is the surgical procedure for reducing testosterone in prostate cancer? | back 15 Orchiectomy |
front 16 ![]() What is the name of the retractor shown below? | back 16 Harrington
front 17 If the broth in the steam sterilization biological indicator is yellow after incubation, what action to be taken? | back 17 Items must be immediately recalled |
front 18 A specimen that is 5 centimeters is equal to: | back 18 2 inches |
front 19 Which of the following vessels arises from the right ventricle of the heart? | back 19 Pulmonary artery |
front 20 ![]() The instrument below is used to: | back 20 Osteotome - cut bone |
front 21 Which area is prepped first when performing the skin prep for a skin grafting procedure? | back 21 Donor site |
front 22 Which of the following has legal significance in the mishandling of a bullet? | back 22 Damaging ballistic markings |
front 23 Which procedure requires preoperative high-level disinfection of the endoscope? | back 23 Bronchoscopy |
front 24 What maintains the position of the uterus? | back 24 Broad ligament |
front 25 What device would the surgeon use to preserve facial motor and sensory functions during a parotidectomy? | back 25 Nerve stimulator |
front 26 if the surgeon uses a knife blade to incise the oral mucosa, the preferred blade is: | back 26 12 |
front 27 The gravity steam sterilization process can be rendered ineffective if the: | back 27 Temperature is below 250deg |
front 28 A suture used to retract a structure to the side of the operative field is a/an: | back 28 Traction suture |
front 29 What must the circulating surgical technologist do when placing the patient in the supine position? | back 29 Confirm angles are not crossed |
front 30 What body system aids in the metastatic spread of cancer cells? | back 30 Lymphatic |
front 31 Which of the following is inserted into the symphonic membrane incision during a myringotomy? | back 31 PE tube |
front 32 Which organelle contains digestive juices? | back 32 Lysosome |
front 33 During a thyriodectomy, if all parathyroid glands are accidentally removed, what complications will occur? | back 33 Tetany |
front 34 Which of the following surgical instruments is used to retract the lung? | back 34 Allison |
front 35 Which of the following instruments would be used to remove nasal polyps? | back 35 Krause nasal snare |
front 36 What anatomical structure is Mersilene tape sutured around during a cerclage? | back 36 Cervix |
front 37 What does the suffix - ectomy mean? | back 37 Excision |
front 38 What would the preoperative diagnosis be for an infant undergoing craniotomy? | back 38 Craniosynostosis |
front 39 Where is the anterior chamber of the eye located? | back 39 Posterior to the cornea and anterior to the iris |
front 40 What would contraindicate preoperatively setting up the cell saver machine? | back 40 patient has cancer |
front 41 Which medication is contraindicated for patients with a history of malignant hyperthermia? | back 41 Succinylcholine (triggers malignant hyperthermia) |
front 42 What is an incision into the tympanic membrane for the removal of accumulated fluid? | back 42 Myringotomy |
front 43 What is not required when a patient is placed in the prone position | back 43 safety belt is placed below the knees |
front 44 A tissue specimen being sent to pathology for a frozen section is prepared by placing it into a : | back 44 container without preservative |
front 45 The body's first line of defense against infection is: | back 45 intact skin |
front 46 Which stapling device would be used to create an anastomosis during a low anterior resection? | back 46 EEA |
front 47 Packing material would be placed as a dressing after surgery on the: | back 47 rectum |
front 48 What is the lining of the thoracic cavity? | back 48 Pleura |
front 49 What is the proper method of removing the knife blade from the handle when breaking down the Mayo stand? | back 49 Use a heavy hemostat or needle holder |
front 50 What route of drug administration is parenteral | back 50 Intravenous |
front 51 The vascular, fibrous covering of bone is the: | back 51 Periosteum |
front 52 What type of dressing would usually be used for a laparotomy procedure? | back 52 pressure |
front 53 To prevent deep-vein thrombosis in the bariatric patient, what preoperative drug is given? | back 53 Heparin |
front 54 Which space is entered during a thymectomy? | back 54 Mediastinum |
front 55 Femoral rasps are used for what reason: | back 55 Prepare the intramedullary space for a prosthesis |
front 56 What is part of the immune system? | back 56 Spleen |
front 57 What incision is frequently used for pediatric aortic coarctation repair? | back 57 Posterolateral thoracotomy |
front 58 Type and cross match for blood is completed: | back 58 If blood loss with replacement is anticipated |
front 59 The purpose of the kidney elevator is to: | back 59 Increase the space between the lower rib and iliac crest |
front 60 When storing information on the hard drive of a computer, what is clicked? | back 60 save |
front 61 What is the proper method for handling disposable suction containers when turning over an OR? | back 61 Wipe down outside of the container and place in biohazard bag for disposal |
front 62 Which of the following can cause lumbosacral strain in the lithotomy position? | back 62 Buttocks extend past table break |
front 63 A midline xiphoid to pubis incision is commonly made for a/an: | back 63 Abdominal aortic aneurysmectomy |
front 64 Which item should the surgical technologist confirm is available for a nerve repair? | back 64 Loupes |
front 65 How often should biological testing of EtO sterilization be conducted? | back 65 Every load |
front 66 Which of the following is a liquid chemical sterilant often used for sterilizing endoscopes with a cycle time of 30 minutes? | back 66 Peracetic acid |
front 67 When should the first closing sponge, sharp and instrument count be completed? | back 67 prior to closure of the body cavity |
front 68 Which of the following skin preps is contraindicated for use around eyes and ears because of potential for corneal abrasions and ototoxicity? | back 68 Chlorhexidine |
front 69 A short-acting narcotic opioid given intramuscularly for preoperative sedation is: | back 69 Meperidine |
front 70 The leg extensor muscle:rectus femurs, vastus laterals, vastgus medial is and the vast us intermedius are collectively called the; | back 70 Quadriceps femoris |
front 71 What does the term - scope mean? | back 71 viewing |
front 72 How many minutes should a Frazier suction tip be immediate-use sterilized (flash sterilized) in a gravity steam sterilizer? | back 72 10 |
front 73 What preoperative procedures should be completed for the diabetic patient | back 73 Antiembolic stockings placed on patient |
front 74 Induced hypothermia is typically associated with which of the following surgical specialities? | back 74 Cardiothoracic |
front 75 What block involved medication being injected into the subarachnoid space? | back 75 spinal |
front 76 What conditions might require use of a Silastic urethral catheter? | back 76 latex allergy |
front 77 A patient received preoperative instructions to remove nail polish to: | back 77 Prevent pulse oximeter malfunction |
front 78 How often should the steam sterilizing machine's strainer be cleaned? | back 78 daily |
front 79 What is the smallest microorganism that requires a host cell for replication? | back 79 virus |
front 80 Which surgeon might provide the operative exposure for the neurosurgeon in a transphenoidal approach to the sell turcica? | back 80 Otorhinolaryngologist |
front 81 An intraoperative mutagenic and carcinogenic hazard of laser use is: | back 81 Laser plume |
front 82 What type of solution is recommended for cleaning the OR floors during room turnover? | back 82 Detergent-disinfection |
front 83 What is used to remove resected prostatic tissue during a TURP? | back 83 Ellik |
front 84 A patient is instructed to be NPO for 8 hours prior to surgery to prevent: | back 84 Aspiration |
front 85 The essential element of hemoglobin is: | back 85 Iron |
front 86 ![]() In which procedure would the instrument shown below be used? | back 86 Hysterectomy |
front 87 A large, bony process found on the femur is a : | back 87 Trochanter |
front 88 What incisions would be performed for repair for a liver laceration? | back 88 Midline |
front 89 Just before the surgeon makes the skin incision which of the following must be performed? | back 89 time-out |
front 90 The pulse rate of pregnant patients: | back 90 Increases |
front 91 Which portion of the stomach is superior to the esophageal sphincter? | back 91 fundus |
front 92 A linen pack to be steam sterilized must not weigh more than: | back 92 12lbs |
front 93 The closing sponge count should be initiated at the: | back 93 operative field |
front 94 During which procedure is it imperative that the surgical tech maintain the sterility of the back table and mayo stand until the patient is transported out of the OR? | back 94 Tonsillectomy |
front 95 Which statements concerning peel-packs is correct? | back 95 When labeling with felt-tip marker write on the plastic side |
front 96 Which two structures are identified and ligated during a cholecystectomy? | back 96 cystic artery and cystic duct |
front 97 Which is the primary responsibility of the first scrub surgical tech during a cardiac arrest in the OR? | back 97 Protect the sterile field |
front 98 What does pneumonectomy mean? | back 98 removal of a lung |
front 99 How many hours must the steam biological indicator by incubated before reading the results? | back 99 24 |
front 100 Which of the following is responsible for causing transmission of spongiform encephalopathy? | back 100 Prion |
front 101 The thyroid gland consists of right and left lobes joined by the ; | back 101 Isthmus |
front 102 A sustained contraction produced by rapid stimuli is called: | back 102 tetany |
front 103 What type of heart rate does tachycardia describe? | back 103 Fast |
front 104 What would be the least likely complication of suprapubic prostatectomy? | back 104 Acute phlebitis |
front 105 When is the surgical consent typically signed? | back 105 Before preoperative medications are administered |
front 106 What is the order for postoperative case management? | back 106 Remove drapes; preserve sterile field until patient leaves OR; remove gown and gloves; don non-sterile gloves to break down back table. |
front 107 What type of needle is used when suturing the skin? | back 107 Reverse cutting |
front 108 Which ultrasonic devices can be used intraoperatively to assess the patency of arterial blood flow? | back 108 doppler probe |
front 109 ![]() The instrument shown below is used to: | back 109 Dissect periosteum from bone
front 110 The area of the brain that controls respiration is the: | back 110 medulla oblongata |
front 111 What factor is used to determine the inflation pressure of a tourniquet? | back 111 patients age |
front 112 What describes the time from incision to the dressing application? | back 112 Intraoperative |
front 113 At the end of a procedure, and after the patient has been transported out of the OR, the surgical tech should remove the: | back 113 gown |
front 114 ![]() The instrument shown below is used during a/an | back 114 thyroidectomy
front 115 What is considered the operative stage of anesthesia? | back 115 third |
front 116 When performing the surgical scrub, the hands and arms are considered: | back 116 surgically clean |
front 117 What is an obstetric complication resulting from overstimulation of the clotting processes? | back 117 disseminated intravascular coagulation |
front 118 What does the term symbiosis mean? | back 118 Relationship between unlike species of organisms |
front 119 What statements is true concerning cleaning OR walls between surgical procedures? | back 119 clean areas of wall splashed with blood or debris |
front 120 Which anatomical structure is removed during a total hip arthroplasty? | back 120 femoral head |
front 121 What controls the arrow on your monitor? | back 121 Mouse |
front 122 Wound dressings should be opened: | back 122 After the last count is completed. |
front 123 A stent may be placed to identify the ureter during which of the following procedures? | back 123 right colectomy |
front 124 A rapid-onset muscle relaxant used for intubation is: | back 124 Anectine |
front 125 A general consent form authorizes: | back 125 routine medical treatment |
front 126 ![]() During which Step of an abdominal hysterectomy would the instrument shown below be used? | back 126 Make last cut to free the uterus
front 127 What must be completed preoperatively if a patient underwent a barium study of the day of surgery? | back 127 Enema |
front 128 What suture is contraindicated in the presence of infection? | back 128 Silk |
front 129 When the surgical technologist is breaking down the back table, instruments with ratchets should be: | back 129 Placed in a basin with enzymatic solution in open position for transport to decontamination |
front 130 The cup-like extensions of the renal pelvis that collect urine from the pyramids are: | back 130 Calyces |
front 131 What is a type of one-layer dressing? | back 131 steri-strips |
front 132 Braided nonabsorbable sutures should not be used in infected wounds because suture crevices: | back 132 Can harbor bacteria that travel length of suture |
front 133 What postoperative complication can result from excess or prolonged planter flexion? | back 133 Foot drop |
front 134 What immediate postoperative complication most often occurs with pediatric patients? | back 134 airway difficulty |
front 135 Another name for a corneal transplant procedure is: | back 135 keratoplasty |
front 136 Fertilization normally occurs in the: | back 136 Fallopian tube |
front 137 ![]() What is the name of the instrument show below? | back 137 Kocher |
front 138 The inner layer of an artery is the: | back 138 Intima |
front 139 Which laser can be used on light and dark tissues? | back 139 Carbon dioxide |
front 140 Which implant is used for individuals with sensorineural deafness? | back 140 cochlear implant |
front 141 Splenectomy places the patient at an increased risk for: | back 141 Infection |
front 142 In the presence of infection, the absorption rate of surgical gut is: | back 142 Increased |
front 143 Dark blood in the sterile field could indicate? | back 143 Hypoxia |
front 144 Which instrument will the surgeon use to free the entrapped orbital fat during repair of an orbital floor fracture? | back 144 Freer |
front 145 A urinary tract infection, following a cystoscopy, is an example of what type of infection? | back 145 healthcare-acquired infection |
front 146 What is a type of meniscal tear? | back 146 bucket handle |
front 147 Which surgical procedure may require a suprabubic catheter to drain the urinary bladder? | back 147 Prostatectomy |
front 148 What microorganisms is least likely to be associated with wound infections? | back 148 Treponema Pallidum (normally associated with syphilis) |
front 149 Liquid agents used to reduce microorganisms on the patient's skin. | back 149 antiseptics |
front 150 Which closed wound drainage requires being connected to a bulb evacuator? | back 150 Jackson-pratt |
front 151 What term refers to items remaining indefinitely until the wrapper is compromised? | back 151 event-related sterility |
front 152 Which vein would be harvested during a CABG? | back 152 Saphenous |
front 153 When incubated, the ETo biological indicator can be read after: | back 153 24 hours |
front 154 The structure that facilities the exchange of nutrients and wastes between the fetus and mother is the: | back 154 Placenta |
front 155 When helping to turn over an OR between patients, the surgical technologists should: | back 155 Use a clean mop head |
front 156 Vitrectomy is the removal of the: | back 156 Gel from the eye |
front 157 When using ETO sterilization, the recommended aeration time for an aerator set at 140deg F is: | back 157 24 hours |
front 158 Where should the biological indicator test be placed on the steam sterilizer cart? | back 158 bottom front |
front 159 Which vessel empties into the right atrium? | back 159 Superior vena cava |
front 160 Knife blades should be loaded onto the handle with: | back 160 Needle holder |
front 161 Which vitamin is essential for the clotting proccess? | back 161 Vitamin K |
front 162 From where do most intracanial aneurysms arise? | back 162 Circle of willis |
front 163 What equipment would require preoperative draping by the surgical technologist? | back 163 c-arm |
front 164 What dietary substance enhances the production of collagen? | back 164 Protein |
front 165 The normal range of intraoperative pressure for the insufflator during a laparoscopy is? | back 165 12-15mm Hg |
front 166 Where should the ETO biological indicator be placed in the load? | back 166 center |
front 167 What is the proper way to remove a patient from the lithotomy position? | back 167 Lower legs together slowing in unison |
front 168 What procedure should the first scrub technologist set up for when a female patient is undergoing a repair for a cystocele and rectocele? | back 168 anterior and posterior colporrhaphy |
front 169 Which vein drains the small intestine? | back 169 Hepatic portal |
front 170 Which specialized retractors are used during a rotator cuff repair? | back 170 Bankart |
front 171 The concave notch of the kidney through which the ureter exits is the: | back 171 Hilum |
front 172 The large artery found posterior to the knees is the: | back 172 Popliteal |
front 173 Proper placement of the Foley catheter is confirmed prior to the balloon inflation by which of the following: | back 173 urine flowing out of the catheter |
front 174 Which portion of the small intestine joins to the large intestine? | back 174 ileum |
front 175 Which tank would be brought into the OR if a surgical technologist is preparing an oscillating saw? | back 175 compressed nitrogen |