front 1 HESI A2 Practice test Our website features free HESI practice tests | back 1 It includes 7 academic tests along with a personality profile. The total length of the exam is 5 hours and 15 minutes. Test based off the exam is HESI Evolve. |
front 2 HESI A2 Practice test Our website features free HESI practice tests | back 2 The HESI entrance exam is formally referred to as the Evolve Reach Admission Assessment Exam. The HESI exam consists of a total of 10 different exams, covering the areas of: Math, Reading, Vocabulary, Chemistry, A&P, Grammar, Physics, and Biolody |
front 3 Free help with Math Problems...videos, and practice problems on each grade level and subject with attached steps to show you how to do them. (Very Helpful site) Free Site!! No gimmicks, trusted site with no viruses. | back 3 They are also on You Tube! |