front 1 Biological diversity can be measured at three levels: | back 1 D. genetic diversity, species diversity, and ecosystem diversity. |
front 2 Genetic diversity consists of | back 2 B. the amount of genetic variation that occurs within and between populations. |
front 3 Endangered species | back 3 E. are in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of their range. |
front 4 Threatened species | back 4 C. are species likely to become endangered in the future and are in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of their range. |
front 5 Ecosystem diversity | back 5 C. refers to the structure and function within an ecosystem |
front 6 The preservation of biological diversity can be justified based on
| back 6 E. ecological value, economic value, and ethical grounds. |
front 7 The rivet hypothesis states | back 7 A. Each species plays a small but important role in the health of an ecosystem. |
front 8 According to the rivet hypothesis: | back 8 C. The loss of a few species from an ecosystem could probably be tolerated |
front 9 According to the redundancy hypothesis, species are redundant if
| back 9 E. they could be eliminated or replaced by others with no loss of function. |
front 10 The idiosyncratic hypothesis suggests that: | back 10 A. Ecosystem function changes unpredictably as the number of species increases or decreases. |
front 11 In a series of field experiments, David Tilman and colleagues tried
to determine how much biodiversity was necessary for proper ecosystem
function. They found a relationship between | back 11 D. diversity and ecosystem function. |
front 12 In the Ecotron experiments of Shahid Naeem comparing species
diversity and ecosystem function, it was found that a larger ground
cover also meant | back 12 B. a larger plant biomass and greater community productivity. |
front 13 The main causes of species extinction include all of the following
EXCEPT | back 13 C. introgression. |
front 14 Introduced species become invasive when they | back 14 A. outcompete native species for space and resources. |
front 15 The probable extinction of the ivory-billed woodpecker is an example
of which cause of extinction? | back 15 C. habitat destruction |
front 16 The biodiversity crisis refers to | back 16 B. the global elevated loss of species over the last several hundred years. |
front 17 Inbreeding and small population size of a threatened species can
combine to form a downward spiral for the species known as a(n) | back 17 A. extinction vortex. |
front 18 The decline in the reproduction and survival of individuals in small
populations is known as the | back 18 D. Allee effect. |
front 19 A large effective population size is important so that a species
| back 19 C. will not lose large amounts of genetic diversity in the near future. |
front 20 Megadiversity countries are those countries which | back 20 B. have the greatest number of species. |
front 21 Geographic biodiversity "hot spots" are those areas with
| back 21 D. at least 1500 endemic plant species and that have lost at least 70% of the original habitat. |
front 22 An endemic species is one that | back 22 C. is found in only one particular place or region. |
front 23 Which of these is NOT a focus of habitat conservation? | back 23 D. identifying areas of rich farm land |
front 24 . ____________Ecology examines the spatial arrangement of elements in
communities and ecosystems. | back 24 A. Landscape |
front 25 What shape park is preferable for minimizing edge effects? | back 25 B. circular |
front 26 Species whose status provides information on the overall health of an
ecosystem are called | back 26 E. indicator species. |
front 27 Species whose habitat requirements are so large that protecting them
would mean protecting many other species in the same habitat are
called | back 27 E. umbrella species. |
front 28 The Florida panther, a symbol of Florida's conservation campaign, may
be called a | back 28 B. flagship species. |
front 29 Species within a community that have a role out of proportion with
their abundance are called | back 29 C. keystone species. |
front 30 Species that create, modify and maintain habitat are known as | back 30 E. ecosystem engineers. |
front 31 _________ is the use of living organisms to detoxify polluted
habitats such as oil spills. | back 31 C. Bioremediation |
front 32 The propagation of animals and plants outside their natural habitat
is called | back 32 A. captive breeding. |
front 33 Cloning endangered species | back 33 E. All of these choices are correct. |
front 34 In an effort to protect and breed the California Condor, a rescue
program | back 34 A. captured the few remaining wild birds. |
front 35 One of the leading causes of the extinction of species in the United
States has been | back 35 C. deforestation. |
front 36 Which of these is the best example of an umbrella species? | back 36 A. northern spotted owls. |
front 37 The range of the grizzly bear in the 48 contiguous United States is
now less than 1% of what it was in 1800. What has been proposed to
help maintain genetic variation in the remaining populations of this
species? | back 37 B. regular exchange of bears between isolated populations |
front 38 Spotted owls are keystone species. | back 38 False |
front 39 More spending has led to greater recovery of black rhinoceros numbers. | back 39 True |
front 40 The United States contains at least one biodiversity hot spot. | back 40 True |
front 41 The passenger pigeon went extinct due to natural causes. | back 41 False |
front 42 The number of extinctions of birds and mammals has gone up as human populations have increased. | back 42 True |
front 43 The introduction of avian malaria to Hawaii was responsible for the extinction of almost half of Hawaii's native birds. | back 43 True |
front 44 <p>SLOSS stands for single large or several small.</p> <!--EndFragment--> | back 44 True |
front 45 Beavers are an example of a dominant species. | back 45 False |
front 46 Captive breeding could potentially save all rare species. | back 46 False |
front 47 Field experiments by David Tilman showed that increased plant diversity reduced the severity of attack by foliar fungal diseases. | back 47 True |
front 48 A smaller percentage of bird than fish species are endangered. | back 48 True |
front 49 One reason for conserving species is on ethical grounds. | back 49 True |
front 50 Both rare and common insect species may have economic value. | back 50 True |