front 1 During and at the end of each cycle | back 1 Sterilizer recording charts and/or printouts should be checked: |
front 2 The sterilization log | back 2 In the event of a load recall, information about specific load contents can be obtained from: |
front 3 A negative test | back 3 If a sterilizer has successfully killed all the bacterial spores in a biological test: |
front 4 250 and 270F | back 4 The two most common temperatures used in steam sterilization are |
front 5 Biological Tests | back 5 Tests which use live bacterial spores to challenge the efficacy of the sterilization process and provide a direct measure of lethality are called: |
front 6 Increase the steam pressure | back 6 In order to elevate the temperature in a steam sterilizer, you must: |
front 7 Dynamic air removal steam sterilizer | back 7 Bowie Dick Tests should be run in: |
front 8 Prove that an item is sterile | back 8 Chemical indicators: |
front 9 2 Hours | back 9 What would be the recommended exposure time for a Dry Heat sterilization load that was run at an exposure temperature of 320F (160C)? |
front 10 Mechanical Recording Charts | back 10 Which of the following sterilization quality assurance measurements is designed to provide a written record of sterilizer cycle activity? |
front 11 Geobacillus Stearo | back 11 The spore used in the testing of steam sterilization is |
front 12 Dry Steam | back 12 The term "superheated steam" means: |
front 13 A D Value | back 13 The amount of time that it to kill 90% of the microorganisms present on an object is called: |
front 14 Dry Heat Sterilization | back 14 Impregnated gauze strips may be sterilized using |
front 15 Mechanical Convection Sterilizer | back 15 The most efficient type of dry heat sterilizer is |
front 16 Daily | back 16 How frequently should a sterilizer's strainer be removed and cleaned? |
front 17 Placed on edge | back 17 When loading a steam sterilizer, items with solid bottoms should be: |
front 18 Should not be placed inside of wrapped sets or containers | back 18 Paper/plastic sterilization pouches |
front 19 The more difficult it will be to sterilize | back 19 The higher the bioburden on an object |
front 20 A decontamination process | back 20 Instrument washer sterilizers provide |
front 21 Verification | back 21 Procedure used by healthcare facilities to confirm that sterilization recommendations from the manufacturer can be successfully undertaken in the hospital setting is called ____ |
front 22 Bowie Dick | back 22 Test used to evaluate the efficacy of a steam sterilizer's air removal system is called a _ _ test |
front 23 Julian Date | back 23 A dating system that records the date as the number of days that have elapsed since January 1st is called the ___ |
front 24 Thermostatic Trap | back 24 ____ ____ is the portion of steam sterilizer that measures steam temperature and automatically controls the flow of air and condensate from the sterilizer chamber |
front 25 Rubber bands | back 25 Central Service Technicians should never use _____ to hold instruments together for sterilization |
front 26 Convection | back 26 Steam sterilization heats items within the load using a heat transfer process called ___ |
front 27 Gravity | back 27 steam sterilization can be used to sterilize liquids |
front 28 7 Pounds | back 28 The weight of wrapped basin sets should not exceed ___ |
front 29 Bacillus Atrophaeus | back 29 The bacterial spore used for testing dry heat sterilization is ___ |
front 30 Conduction | back 30 Dry heat sterilization heats items within the load using a heat transfer process called __ |