front 1 simple microscope | back 1 any magnifying object using only one lens |
front 2 compound microscope | back 2 Uses multiple lenses, has ocular lens as well as multiple objective lenses through which it compounds light. |
front 3 Explain how immersion oil allows a microscopist to get better resolution | back 3 Every time light moves through slide and hits specimen, it bends and refracts. As it goes from glass back into air, some of that light will bend so that it no longer is captured by our magnification lens. We have lost that information. If we eliminate that transition between the glass and the air, by adding immersion oil, we are going to gather as much light as possible up into the mag lens and we have that much better a picture. Increases the numerical aperture. |
front 4 Explain the connection between resolving power, numerical aperture, and wavelength of light | back 4 Resolving power - how far apart can two dots be and you be able to distinguish them as two separate dots and not fuzzy
front 5 why is a blue filter used on the microscope? | back 5 Blue light has the shortest wavelength of the visible spectrum. The shorter the wavelength, the higher the resolution one can achieve with a light microscope.
front 6 Describe the change in working distance as magnification increases. What does this mean in regards to observing samples at higher magnification? | back 6 In most compound microscopes, as magnification increases, working distance decreases dramatically. It is important to be aware of this, as changing magnifications without being mindful of the change in working distance can damage the lenses. |
front 7 Evaluate the advantage to the microscopist of parfocality. (What does parfocal mean?) | back 7 Parfocal: having corresponding focal points all in the same plane.
front 8 Recognize how the optics of the microscope change the orientation of the image seen when compared to the orientation on the slide. | back 8 The optics of microscope inverts the image (Example was the letter "e" slide). |
front 9 What happens to the size of the field of view as magnification increases? How does this apply to looking at a specimen on a slide? | back 9 It decreases. The field of view is how much of your subject you can see through a lens. As you magnify the subject or 'zoom in' you aren't able to see as much of the subject, but zoomed in.
front 10 Compare the size of human blood cells with yeast cells and typical bacilli and cocci | back 10 Blood cells 6-7. yeast cells are smaller. bacteria are think and even smaller. |
front 11 What is depth of field? | back 11 the distance between the nearest and farthest objects in a scene that appear acceptably sharp in an image |
front 12 Distinguish between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. | back 12 Eukaryotes have a distinct nucleus as well as additional organelles present |
front 13 Observe, identify, and draw the common shapes (morphologies) and arrangements of procaryotic
| back 13 (Remember: When determining morphology and arrangement look for the most common morphology and the most complex arrangement.)
front 14 Differentiate spirilla and spirochetes by description and observation. | back 14 Both are spiral but spirilla are more rigid and use polar flagella for motility whereas spirochetes are flexible and motility through axial filaments.
front 15 Understand what "pleomorphic" means. Observe and draw pleomorphic cells. | back 15 Organisms that exhibit growth in a variety of shapes (If you see a slide w/multiple shapes that you cannot necessarily identify think pleomorphic) |
front 16 Characteristics of cyanobacteria: | back 16 =do not have chloroplasts
front 17 diphtheroids | back 17 any bacterium of a genus that includes the diphtheria bacillus
front 18 Palisade arrangement | back 18 Palisade arrangement is said to be like "chinese letters". It often includes bacteria cells at weird angles to one another resulting from the type of division they have. They divide by snapping apart their outer cell wall so this results in their unique arrangement. |
front 19 spore | back 19 (in bacteria) a rounded resistant form adopted by a bacterial cell in adverse conditions |
front 20 eubacteria | back 20 a bacterium of a large group typically having simple cells with rigid cell walls and often flagella for movement. The group comprises the “true” bacteria and cyanobacteria, as distinct from archaebacteria |
front 21 Differentiate between akinetes and heterocyst. What is the function of each? | back 21 ![]() Akinete - These resting cells, which do not grow or expend much energy on biological functions, have evolved to survive poor growth conditions. An akinete is one type of resting cell, with a characteristically thick wall and a store of nutrients inside. When favorable conditions develop in the environment around the akinete, then this resting cell bursts and releases multiple new cells, which begin growing as normal.
front 22 Pure culture | back 22 lab culture containing a single species of organism. |
front 23 mixed culture | back 23 Lab culture containing two or more species of organism |
front 24 aseptic | back 24 without contamination of the culture, the sterile medium, or the surroundings |
front 25 sterile | back 25 killing all forms of microbe life |
front 26 Contamination | back 26 the unintended introduction of microbes in areas or on surfaces they should not be |
front 27 Slant | back 27 a growth medium in a test tube; slanting the medium provides more surface area for microbial growth |
front 28 Meniscus | back 28 When a liquid is in a cylinder the liquid will be higher than in the middle creating a concave. This is a meniscus. |
front 29 Identify times when a microbiologist must use a pure culture. | back 29 To look for a particular pathogen that caused a disease
front 30 Describe characteristics of a properly adjusted Bunsen burner flame. | back 30 When properly adjusted, Bunsen burner produces a flame with two cones - an outer cone that is relatively colorless and an inner cone that is blue in color and should be about 1 inch in height. |
front 31 Describe instruments microbiologists most often use to transfer microorganisms. | back 31 · Inoculating loop
front 32 Describe aseptic technique procedures that are performed before, during and after working with
| back 32 Before:
front 33 Explain how to protect yourself from a laboratory-acquired infection. | back 33 · Always disinfect work area before and after working
front 34 Understand the purpose of stock cultures and why a stock culture is made before using a new culture for other purposes. | back 34 A stock culture is made to have microbes to work with in the future. A stock culture is prepared before using culture for other purposes to decrease any chance of contaminating the stock culture and keep it as pure as possible. |
front 35 MOHR pipette | back 35 be careful not to confuse with serologic pipette (which is calibrated through the delivery tip)
front 36 serological pipette | back 36 the tip is not as accurate as the stem
front 37 List four characteristics of microbial morphology as identified in the lab book. | back 37 1. color
front 38 Cation | back 38 positively charged ion |
front 39 Anion | back 39 negatively charged ion |
front 40 Chromogen | back 40 a substance that can be readily converted into a dye or other colored compound |
front 41 Chromophore | back 41 the portion of the chromogen that gives it its color |
front 42 Differentiate between basic and acidic dyes and how they work. | back 42 An acidic dye carries a negative charge because it is missing hydrogen.
front 43 Understand why, when using solid media, the inoculum is serially diluted on the slide. | back 43 The concentration of the bacteria is too high, serial dilution takes place to help isolate the bacteria's
front 44 Know the purpose of air-drying (or gently warming) smears | back 44 Excess water left on the slide will boil during the fixing stage, causing most microbes present to
front 45 Know the purpose and effects of heat fixing a slide. | back 45 Basic stains are heat fixed. Heat fixing kills bacteria, makes them adhere to the slide, and coagulates cytoplasmic proteins to make them more visible under the microscope. |
front 46 Identify two common negative stains. | back 46 Congo red and Nigrosin (India Ink) |
front 47 Explain how a negative stain interacts with bacteria and the result obtained. | back 47 the negative stain uses a dye solution in which the chromogen is acidic and carries a negative charge.
front 48 Understand why slides prepared with negative stains are not heat fixed. | back 48 Heat fixing negative stains will distort the bacteria cells so the cell's size can be determined and be able
front 49 Identify two reasons for using a negative stain. | back 49 The negative staining technique is used to determine morphology and cellular arrangement in bacteria that
front 50 What are bacterial capsules and how do you identify them? | back 50 Excreted by cell to form clear, gelatinous, protective layer. Background will appear darker (negative stain), then a clear barrier surrounding the stained cell. |