front 1 Prime movers/Agonists
| back 1 - work "leader"
front 2 Antagonist
| back 2 - work in opposition
front 3 Synergists
| back 3 - work together
front 4 Naming Rules | back 4 - Location
front 5 Epicranius | back 5 - front belly and the occipital belly
front 6 Frontal belly | back 6 covers the forehead and dome of the skull
front 7 Occipital Belly | back 7 overlies posterior occipital bone; fixes galea oponeurotica
front 8 Orbicularis oculi | back 8 circular muscle around eye
front 9 Orbicularis Oris | back 9 circular muscle around mouth
front 10 Zygomaticus major and minor | back 10 muscles extending diagonally from cheek to corner of the mouth.
front 11 Mentalis | back 11 V-shaped chin muscle
front 12 Buccinator | back 12 horizontal muscle, DEEP to masseter (buckle cheek area)
front 13 Platysma | back 13 sheet-like superficial neck muscle
front 14 Erector spinae | back 14 consist of three columns on each side of the vertebrae
front 15 Breathing muscles | back 15 Diaphragm, external intercostals (11 pairs), internal intercostals (11 pairs) |
front 16 External intercostals | back 16 11 pairs lie between 12 pairs of ribs
front 17 Internal intercostals | back 17 11 pairs lie between 12 pairs of ribs; deep to external ones
front 18 Abdominal area and layers | back 18 Each layer has three areas - medial and sides
front 19 external oblique | back 19 largest and superficial lateral of the abdominal muscles, fibers run downward and medially
front 20 Internal oblique | back 20 deep to external oblique, fibers run upward and medially
front 21 Transversus abdominis | back 21 lateral muscles deep to internal oblique; fibers run horizontally
front 22 Rectus abdominis | back 22 the only medial muscles - located in the second layer of abdominal area
front 23 Serratus anterior | back 23 Anterior Thoracic cage
front 24 Trapezius | back 24 superficial muscle of posterior thoracic cage
front 25 Latissimus dorsi | back 25 broad, flat lower back muscle on the posterior thoracic cage
front 26 Deltoid | back 26 thick, triangular muscle on posterior thoracic cage
front 27 Anterior arm muscles | back 27 Biceps Brachii, Bracialis, Brachioradialis |
front 28 Triceps brachii | back 28 three-headed large muscle on the posterior arm
front 29 Iliopsoas | back 29 A pair of anterior pelvis muscles
front 30 Sartorius | back 30 Superficial thigh muscle running obliquely - anterior pelvis muscle
front 31 Quadriceps femoris | back 31 group of 4 muscles in the anterior thigh
front 32 Adductors | back 32 group of three medial muscles - run from the hip bone to the medial thigh
front 33 Hamstrings | back 33 Group of three muscles located in the Posterior Thigh
front 34 Biceps femoris | back 34 lateral,two-headed muscle located in the hamstring-posterior thigh muscles |
front 35 Semitendinosus | back 35 superficial medial smaller muscle located in the hamstring-posterior thigh muscles.
front 36 Semimembranosus | back 36 medial; broader but deep to semitendonous.
front 37 Tibialis anterior | back 37 superficial anterior muscle in the leg
front 38 Extensor digitorum longus | back 38 Extensor = when you contract this muscle you extend something
front 39 Fibularis | back 39 most lateral leg muscle - includes longus and brevis sections
front 40 Gastrocnemius | back 40 - superficial muscle with two prominent bellies
front 41 Soleus | back 41 deep to gastrocnemius - part of the calf muscle