front 1 Body substances and fluids that are considered infectious or potentially infectious include
| back 1 D.
front 2 Where is the "sterile corridor" located?
| back 2 C.
front 3 Which of the following is a violation of correct sterile technique?
| back 3 C.
front 4 The type of isolation practiced to prevent the spread of infectious agents in aerosol form is
| back 4 A.
front 5 The most frequent site of hospital-acquired infection is the
| back 5 A.
front 6 An iatrogenic infection is one caused by
| back 6 A.
front 7 The following instructions should be given to a patient following a barium sulfate contrast examination:
| back 7 D.
front 8 Chemical substances that are used to kill pathogenic bacteria are called
| back 8 C.
front 9 Federal regulations regarding infection control in the workplace, as amended by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), make which of the following requirements?
| back 9 C.
front 10 Each of the following is an example of a fomite except
| back 10 B.
front 11 Examples of means by which infectious microorganisms can be transmitted via indirect contact include
| back 11 1 and 2 only |
front 12 Lyme disease is caused by bacteria carried by deer ticks. The tick bite may cause fever, fatigue, and other associated symptoms. This is an example of transmission of an infection by
| back 12 D.
front 13 The complete killing of all microorganisms is termed
| back 13 C.
front 14 What type of precautions prevent the spread of infectious agents in droplet form?
| back 14 B.
front 15 Contaminated needles are disposed of in special containers in which of the following ways?
| back 15 D.
front 16 The risk of inoculation with HIV is considered high for which of the following entry sites?
| back 16 B.
front 17 Guidelines for cleaning contaminated objects or surfaces include which of the following?
| back 17 C.
front 18 Which ethical principle is related to sincerity and truthfulness?
| back 18 C.
front 19 Sterile technique is required when contrast agents are administered
| back 19 C.
front 20 Diseases whose mode of transmission is through the air include
| back 20 D.
front 21 A nosocomial infection is a(n)
| back 21 C.
front 22 The acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) virus may be transmitted
| back 22 D.
front 23 Indirect modes of disease transmission include
| back 23 D.
front 24 Hemovac or Penrose drains are used for
| back 24 B.
front 25 According to the CDC, all the following precaution guidelines are true except
| back 25 C.
front 26 The risk of inoculation with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is considered high for the following entry sites:
| back 26 B.
front 27 Techniques that function to reduce the spread of microbes are termed
| back 27 B.
front 28 All the following rules regarding proper hand washing technique are correct except
| back 28 C.
front 29 Protective or "reverse" isolation is required in which of the following conditions?
| back 29 C.
front 30 The infection streptococcal pharyngitis ("strep throat") is caused by a
| back 30 D.
front 31 A patient with an upper respiratory tract infection is transported to the radiology department for a chest examination. Who should be masked?
| back 31 C.
front 32 Body substances and fluids that are considered infectious or potentially infectious include
| back 32 D.
front 33 Handwashing is the easiest way of preventing spread of microorganisms, and health care professionals should wash their hands before and after every patient. Additionally, it is particularly essential that the radiographer wash his/her hands after contact with
| back 33 C.
front 34 When disposing of contaminated needles, they are placed in a special container using what procedure?
| back 34 D.
front 35 An autoclave is used for
| back 35 D.
front 36 In which stage of infection do the infective microbes begin to multiply?
| back 36 B.
front 37 Which of the following statements is (are) true regarding a two-member team performing mobile radiography on a patient with MRSA precautions?
| back 37 A.
front 38 Of the four stages of infection, which is the stage during which the infection is most communicable?
| back 38 C.
front 39 The cycle of infection includes which of the following components?
| back 39 D.
front 40 The radiographer must perform which of the following procedures prior to entering a contact isolation room with a mobile x-ray unit?
| back 40 A.
front 41 All the following statements regarding hand hygiene and skin care are correct except
| back 41 D.
front 42 Which of the following can be transmitted via infected blood?
| back 42 B.
front 43 An animal host of an infectious organism that transmits the infection via a bite or sting is a
| back 43 A.
front 44 Radiographers should wear gloves when they might come in contact with
| back 44 D.
front 45 Hypochlorite bleach (Clorox) and Lysol are examples of
| back 45 D.
front 46 An inanimate object that has been in contact with an infectious microorganism is termed a
| back 46 B.
front 47 Diseases that require contact precautions include
| back 47 B.
front 48 The most effective method of sterilization is
| back 48 B.
front 49 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests that health care workers protect themselves and their patients from blood and body fluid contamination by using
| back 49 B.
front 50 An illness of unknown or obscure cause is said to be
| back 50 C.
front 51 The cycle of infection includes which of the following components?
| back 51 D.
front 52 In which of the following situations should a radiographer wear protective eye gear (goggles)?
| back 52 C.