front 1 ability | back 1 awooda the physical or mental qualities that you need to do something, the noun form of "able" EXAMPLE: When you choose players to be on your basketball team, look for people who have natural ability. They should be fast and handle the ball well. |
front 2 assess | back 2 qiimayn to make a judgment about the quality, size, or value of something EXAMPLE: My son's teacher assessed his reading ability. Then she put him in the highest reading group. |
front 3 component | back 3 qayb one of the parts of something EXAMPLE: The most important component of a car is the engine. |
front 4 comprehension | back 4 fahamka the ability to understand something EXAMPLE: A reading comprehension test checks your ability to understand what you read. |
front 5 eligible | back 5 u qalma allowed to do something EXAMPLE: In the United States, only people who are over 18 are eligible to vote. |
front 6 freedom of religion | back 6 xorriyadda diinta free to worship or not worship EXAMPLE: In the United States, you can practice any religion. You can also choose not to practice a religion. |
front 7 PTA | back 7 parent-teacher association EXAMPLE: I am a member of the PTA at my son's school. I like to volunteer in fundraising. |
front 8 basic rights | back 8 xuquuqda aasaasiga ah freedoms people in the United States enjoy EXAMPLE: The Constitution and Bill of Rights give everyone freedom of religion, speech, assembly, the press, and the right to bear arms. These are basic rights in the United States. |
front 9 define | back 9 qeex to clearly explain what something is or what it means EXAMPLE: Please define "freedom" for the class. What does this word mean? |
front 10 treaty | back 10 heshiis a written agreement between two or more countries EXAMPLE: Our federal government can make treaties with other countries. These documents define what each country will do or not do. |