front 1 What do fossils provide evidence of? | back 1 changing life forms |
front 2 strata | back 2 layers of rock where fossils are deposited
front 3 Charles Lyell | back 3 geologic processes that have shaped planet = uniform over time -> Earth must be older than previously thought (a few thousand years) |
front 4 Jean Baptiste de Lamarck | back 4 proposed a mechanism for evolution based on use and disuse & inheritance of acquired characteristics |
front 5 Use and disuse | back 5
front 6 Inheritance of acquired characteristics | back 6 characteristics acquired in lifetime -> passed onto next generation (flawed theory) |
front 7 What was the significance of Lamarck's findings? | back 7 recognized that species evolve; organisms and environment match through this gradual evolutionary change inheritance of acquired characteristics - wrong |
front 8 What was the significance of Lyell's findings? | back 8 an old Earth has time for evolution; a young Earth doesn't -> gave Darwin the "gift of time" |
front 9 Example of inheritance of acquired characteristics | back 9 A weightlifter's child could be born with a more muscular anatomy |
front 10 What was the impetus for the development of Darwin's evolution by natural selection? | back 10 Darwin's voyage on the HMS Beagle |
front 11 Natural Selection | back 11
results in alleles being passed to the next generation in proportions different from their relative frequencies in the present generation |
front 12 Adaptations | back 12
front 13 Example of an adaptation | back 13
front 14 Darwin's theory of evolution: principle one | back 14 members of a population often vary in their inherited phenotypic traits |
front 15 Darwin's theory of evolution: principle two | back 15
front 16 Darwin's theory of evolution: principle three | back 16 individuals with inherited traits that are better suited to local environment = more likely to survive and reproduce "differential reproductive success" |
front 17 Fitness | back 17 the reproductive success of an individual in a population |
front 18 Darwin's theory of evolution: principle four | back 18 evolution -> unequal reproductive success of individuals -> accumulation of favorable traits in the population over generations |
front 19 What does natural selection improve over time? | back 19 the match between organisms and their environment |
front 20 If individuals move to a new environment, or their environment changes... | back 20 natural selection may result in adaptation to these new conditions |
front 21 different genetic variations can be selected depending on... | back 21 the new environment |
front 22 Individuals DO NOT EVOLVE... | back 22 populations evolve
front 23 Evolution | back 23 a change in the genetic makeup of a population over time
front 24 Artificial selection | back 24 process by which species are modified by humans |
front 25 Example of artificial selection | back 25 selective breeding for milk or meat production; development of dog breeds |
front 26 Evidence for Evolution | back 26
front 27 Direct observations of evolutionary change | back 27
front 28 examples of direct observation of evolutionary change | back 28
front 29 Homology | back 29
characteristics in related species can have an underlying similarity even though they have very different functions |
front 30 Homologous structures | back 30 anatomical signs of evolution |
front 31 examples of homologous structures | back 31
present and used in a common ancestor |
front 32 Embryonic homologies | back 32
front 33 example of embryonic homologies | back 33 all vertebrate embryos have a post-anal tail and pharyngeal pouches |
front 34 Vestigial organs | back 34
front 35 example of vestigial organs | back 35
front 36 Molecular homologies | back 36
front 37 examples of molecular homologies | back 37
front 38 Convergent evolution | back 38
explains why distantly related species can resemble one another |
front 39 The likenesses that result from convergent evolution are considered... | back 39 analogous, not homologous |
front 40 examples of convergent evolution | back 40
"similar problems have similar solutions" |
front 41 paleontology | back 41 the study of fossils |
front 42 Fossil record | back 42
succession of forms! |
front 43 transitional fossils have been found that... | back 43 link ancient organisms to modern species |
front 44 Biogeography | back 44 the geographic distribution of species |
front 45 Species in a discrete geographic area... | back 45 tend to be more closely related to each other than species in distant geographic areas |
front 46 example of biogeography (as evidence for evolution) | back 46
front 47 Continental drift & the breakup of Pangaea | back 47
front 48 Endemic species | back 48 found at a certain geographic location and nowhere else |
front 49 example of endemic species | back 49
front 50 phenotypic variation often reflects... | back 50 genetic variation |
front 51 examples of phenotypic variation | back 51
front 52 Mutations | back 52
only source of new genes and new alleles |
front 53 only mutations in cell lines that produce... | back 53 gametes can be passed to offspring |
front 54 Point mutations | back 54
front 55 Example of a point mutation | back 55 sickle cell disease |
front 56 Chromosomal mutations | back 56
front 57 gene duplications can... | back 57
front 58 most genetic variations within a population result from... | back 58 the sexual recombination of alleles that already exist in a population |
front 59 sexual reproduction... | back 59 shifts existing alleles and deals them at random to produce individual genotypes |
front 60 three mechanisms for the shuffling of alleles | back 60
front 61 Population | back 61 a group of Individuals of the same species that live in the same area and interbreed, producing fertile offspring |
front 62 Population genetics | back 62 the study of how populations change genetically over time |
front 63 Gene pool | back 63 all of the alleles at all loci in all the members of a population |
front 64 How many alleles does for a particular gene does each Individual have (diploid species) | back 64 two (and the individual may be heterozygous or homozygous) |
front 65 Fixed (pertaining to a gene) | back 65 all members of a population are homozygous for the same allele
front 66 the greater number of fixed alleles... | back 66 the lower the species' genetic diversity |
front 67 Hardy-Weinberg equation | back 67 used to describe a population that is not evolving
front 68 Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium | back 68 1) no change in allelic frequency due to mutation 2) random mating 3) no natural selection 4) extremely large population size 5) no migration |
front 69 What is the Hardy-Weinberg equation good for? | back 69 provides an excellent null hypothesis (conditions are seldom met in natural populations)
front 70 three major factors that alter allele frequencies... (and bring about the most evolutionary change) | back 70
front 71 Differential Reproductive Success | back 71
front 72 Adaptive evolution | back 72 organisms adapted to their environment |
front 73 Genetic Drift | back 73 unpredictable fluctuation in allele frequencies from one generation to the next
front 74 the smaller the population... | back 74 the greater the chance there is for genetic drift |
front 75 two examples of genetic drift | back 75
front 76 Founder effect | back 76 a few individuals become isolated from a larger population and establish a new population whose gene pool is not reflective of the source population |
front 77 Example of the founder effect | back 77 a mat of vegetation washes up on the shore of a Pacific island, host to a small population of lizards
front 78 Bottleneck effect | back 78 a sudden change in the environment that drastically reduces the size of a population
front 79 Example of the bottleneck effect | back 79
front 80 Gene flow | back 80 occurs when a population gains or loses alleles by genetic additions or subtractions from the population (often by migration)
front 81 gene flow occurs when... | back 81 alleles between different populations are mixed, resulting in a reduction of genetic differences between the populations |
front 82 gene flow tends to reduce the... | back 82 genetic differences between populations, making them more similar |
front 83 converse of gene flow | back 83 isolated populations do not experience it, tend to adapt to their unique environments and may have significant genetic differences from the ancestral population |
front 84 Relative fitness | back 84 the contribution an organism makes to the gene pool of the next-generation relative to the contributions of other members |
front 85 fitness in the context of evolution is only measured... | back 85 by reproductive success |
front 86 natural selection acts more directly on the... | back 86 phenotype |
front 87 natural selection acts more indirectly on the... | back 87 genotype |
front 88 Three ways in which natural selection can alter the frequency distribution of heritable traits | back 88
front 89 Directional selection | back 89
front 90 Example of directional selection | back 90
front 91 Disruptive selection | back 91
front 92 Example of disruptive selection | back 92
front 93 Stabilizing selection | back 93
front 94 Example of stabilizing selection | back 94
front 95 Sexual selection | back 95
front 96 Sexual dimorphism | back 96
front 97 How is genetic variation preserved in a population? (Why doesn't natural selection eliminate all unfavorable alleles?) | back 97
front 98 Diploidy | back 98
front 99 Heterozygote advantage | back 99
front 100 Example of heterozygote advantage | back 100
front 101 Why does natural selection not produce perfect organisms? | back 101