front 1 adage | back 1 An old saying that has come to be accepted as true; a proverb. |
front 2 camaraderie | back 2 Good will and warm feelings among friends |
front 3 contend | back 3
front 4 extraneous | back 4 Not necessary; irrelevant. |
front 5 hubbub | back 5 Noisy confusion; uproar. |
front 6 meander | back 6
front 7 odoriferous | back 7 Having or giving off a smell. |
front 8 paraphernalia | back 8
front 9 punctilious | back 9 Careful of and attentive to details, especially ones relating to good manners and behavior. |
front 10 recuperate | back 10 to regain health or strength. |
front 11 regale | back 11 To entertain or delight. |
front 12 sedentary | back 12 Doing or requiring a lot of sitting. |
front 13 Spartan | back 13 Marked by simplicity and lack of luxury. |
front 14 temporal | back 14 Relating to the everyday world as opposed to that which is spiritual or eternal. |
front 15 wry | back 15