front 1 jabot | back 1 n. an ornamental frill or ruffle on the front of a shirt or blouse, typically made of lace |
front 2 scapegrace | back 2 n. a mischievous or wayward person, esp. a young person or child; a rascal |
front 3 lumbago | back 3 n. a pain in the muscles and joints of the lower back |
front 4 bough | back 4 n. a main branch of a tree |
front 5 junker | back 5 n. a German nobleman or aristocrat, esp. a member of the Prussian aristocracy |
front 6 tsubo | back 6 n. a Japanese unit of area equal to approximately 3.95 square yards (3.30 sq m) |
front 7 slovenly | back 7 adj. (esp. of a person or their appearance) messy and dirty |
front 8 drubbing | back 8 n. a beating; a thrashing |
front 9 propitious | back 9 adj. giving or indicating a good chance of success; favorable |
front 10 aloof | back 10 adj. not friendly or forthcoming; cool and distant |
front 11 farrier | back 11 n. a craftsman who trims and shoes horses' hooves |
front 12 jape | back 12 n. a practical joke |
front 13 pinions | back 13 n. the outer part of a bird's wing including the flight feathers |
front 14 smock-frocks | back 14 n. a loose dress or blouse, with the upper part closely gathered in smocking |
front 15 adroitly | back 15 adj. clever or skillful in using the hands or mind |
front 16 budgerigars | back 16 n. a small gregarious Australian parakeet that in the wild is green with a yellow head. It is popular as a pet bird and has been bred into a variety of colors |
front 17 sutlers | back 17 n. a person who followed an army and sold provisions to the soldiers |
front 18 boeuf bourguignon | back 18 n. a dish consisting of beef stewed in red wine |
front 19 wroth | back 19 adj. angry |
front 20 propriety | back 20 n. the state or quality of conforming to conventionally accepted standards of behavior or morals |