front 1 Ideally, testing of collection should be performed within what time frame to prevent decomposition of the specimen due to bacterial overgrowth and cellular breakdown? | back 1 One hour |
front 2 Which of the following is defined as the weight of substances dissolved in a specimen as compared with those found in distilled water? | back 2 Specific gravity |
front 3 Specimens indicated for diagnostic analysis when a patient has an unresolved cough with mucus production? | back 3 Sputum |
front 4 Tests performed by swabbing a sample of the exudate (drainage) from the throat, mouth, ear, eye, nose, vagina, anus, or infected wounds | back 4 Cultures |
front 5 Which type of agar is used for the colony count for urine specimens, and the plate is streaked in a distinctive fashion? | back 5 Blood |
front 6 The normal value range for specific gravity is | back 6 1.005–1.030 |
front 7 the shape of cocci organisms | back 7 round |
front 8 What color does the guaiac reagent turn when oxidized in the presence of blood? | back 8 Blue |
front 9 Exudate is another word for | back 9 Drainage |
front 10 Diagnostic test for microbiological testing | back 10 Rapid strep A |
front 11 Through partial voiding before collection, which part of the body is cleared of contaminants such as bacteria, mucus, cells, or other debris that could adversely affect the results? | back 11 Uretha |
front 12 Which of the following urine samples is the best for testing because the urine, having been in the bladder overnight, is the most concentrated specimen? | back 12 the first morning urine |
front 13 Which is a specialized type of urine collection that is indicated when the patient is unable to void? | back 13 Cathreization |
front 14 Which of the following is the normal pH for urine? | back 14 5.0 to 7.0 |