front 1 What is the difference between what is in the Tacks View Selector for MIDI vs. Instrument. | back 1 The track view for MIDI is related to MIDI data while the track view for Instrument is related to MIDI and audio data |
front 2 True or False? MIDI Data such as velocity can be shown in a MIDI track's automation lane. | back 2 True |
front 3 With MIDI merge active, how many clips are created if you loop four times? | back 3 4 |
front 4 MIDI Clips can be previewed in the Clips list by holding the __________ key, then clicking and holding on the clip. | back 4 Option |
front 5 The Docked MIDI Editor can be shown or hidden from the __________ menu. | back 5 MIDI Editor |
front 6 In which window can MIDI data be viewed in piano roll view or notation view? | back 6 View |
front 7 Which modifier changes notes ditonically, chromatically, and by octave | back 7 Chromatically: up/down arrows Ditonically: Controll + up/down arrow Octave: Shift + up/down arrows |
front 8 Describe Audio to MIDI Conversion Type with its recommended use: Universal | back 8 Complex signals including both pitched and non-pitched instruments |
front 9 Describe Audio to MIDI Conversion Type with its recommended use: Polyphonic Decay | back 9 Audio with multiple simultaneous shorter notes |
front 10 Describe Audio to MIDI Conversion Type with its recommended use: Melodic | back 10 Vocals and other monophonic audio |
front 11 Describe Audio to MIDI Conversion Type with its recommended use: Percussive | back 11 Drum hits and loops |
front 12 Describe Audio to MIDI Conversion Type with its recommended use: Automatic | back 12 Melodyne will make its own decision on witch algorithm to use |
front 13 Describe Audio to MIDI Conversion Type with its recommended use: Polyphonic Sustain | back 13 Audio with multiple simultaneous longer notes |
front 14 Describe Audio to MIDI Conversion Type with its recommended use: Percussive Pitched | back 14 Pitched for instruments like toms and taiko |