front 1 election debate | back 1 doodda doorashada a discussion between two politicians who want the same position in government EXAMPLE: The two candidates for governor participated in an election debate. The viewers got to hear their opinions on many issues. |
front 2 elect | back 2 dooro (verb) to choose someone for a position by voting EXAMPLE: The people voted. They elected a new mayor. |
front 3 crisis | back 3 qalalaase a situation or time that is extremely dangerous or difficult EXAMPLE: The city has run out of clean water. This is a crisis! Where will people find water to drink? |
front 4 force | back 4 xoog (verb) to make someone do something that they do not want to do EXAMPLE: The mugger forced me to give him my wallet. |
front 5 lack of | back 5 la'aanta not having something, or not having enough of something EXAMPLE: If there is a lack of clean water, people will want to move away from our city. |
front 6 impose a tax | back 6 canshuur saar to officially order that a tax will happen EXAMPLE: The new government has imposed a car tax on the people. Every year, people will have to pay 1% of their cars' value to the government. |
front 7 opponent | back 7 kasoo horjeedka someone who disagrees with you EXAMPLE: Samuel's political opponent asked him to participate in an election debate. |
front 8 tax break | back 8 cashuur dhaaf a change in the law that lowers one kind of tax EXAMPLE: The mayor decided to stop making residents pay a city tax. The people were very happy to get this tax break. |
front 9 in a big way | back 9 hab weyn a lot EXAMPLE: Thank you for helping us move. You really helped us in a big way. |
front 10 issue | back 10 arrin a subject or problem that people are thinking about and talking about EXAMPLE: One of the big issues right now is inflation. People are worried about the rising prices of essentials, like milk and eggs. |
front 11 private | back 11 gaar ahaaneed only for one person or group, not for everyone EXAMPLE: A private company is a company that wants to make a profit. Public institutions are available for everyone! |
front 12 unlike | back 12 ka duwan not the same, different from EXAMPLE: Unlike you, I am not a good singer. |
front 13 vacant lot | back 13 banaan badan an empty space in a city where someone could build EXAMPLE: I have seen a lot of broken glass on the vacant lot. I don't let my kids play there because it wouldn't be safe. |
front 14 entrepreneur | back 14 ganacsade someone who starts their own business EXAMPLE: My son had a great idea for a new business. He is going to ask the bank for a loan so he can start it with his business partner. My son is an entrepreneur. |
front 15 incentive | back 15 dhiirigelin something that encourages a person to do something EXAMPLE: My boss said he would give me a large bonus if I completed the project by the end of the month. The bonus is a huge incentive. I'm going to work very hard to meet the deadline, so I can earn the bonus. |
front 16 prohibit | back 16 mamnuuc to not allow something officially EXAMPLE: The teacher prohibits the use of cell phones in the classroom. My son leaves his at home now. |
front 17 project | back 17 mashruuc a piece of planned work or activity that is finished over a period of time EXAMPLE: My next project is decorating the kitchen. |
front 18 trouble | back 18 difficulty, a hard time EXAMPLE: She was laid off from her job. Now she is having trouble paying her bills. |