front 1 What ion is most abundant in extracellular fluid? | back 1 Sodium. |
front 2 In a normally functioning cardiovascular system, where does the heartbeat originate? | back 2 Sinoatrial node. |
front 3 Blood cells are produced by? | back 3 Red bone marrow. |
front 4 What is the iron-containing component of a red blood cell? | back 4 Hemoglobin. |
front 5 What is the function of angiotensin II in the regulation of blood pressure? | back 5 Vasoconstriction. |
front 6 What enzyme is involved in fluid balance and is produced by the kidneys? | back 6 Renin. |
front 7 Bile aids in the digestion of? | back 7 Fat. |
front 8 What electrolyte plays an essential role in the clotting of blood? | back 8 Calcium. |
front 9 Which pituitary hormone stimulates the process of gametogenesis? | back 9 Follicle stimulating hormone. |
front 10 What hormone regulates urine output? | back 10 Antidiuretic. |
front 11 What is a function of the liver? | back 11 Lipid metabolism. |
front 12 What occurs as a result of the release of antidiuretic hormone? | back 12 Fluid volume in the body increases. |
front 13 Which cardiac valve prevents blood from returning to the left ventricle of the heart? | back 13 Aortic. |
front 14 Antidiuretic hormone is secreted by? | back 14 Posterior pituitary gland. |
front 15 What does the prostate gland produce? | back 15 Substance to enhance sperm motility. |
front 16 How can you describe the event of ovulation? | back 16 The Graafian follicle releases an ovum. |
front 17 What is the result of the process of meiosis? | back 17 Sperm and ova are produced. |
front 18 When blood leaves the left ventricle of the heart, what structure does it enter next? | back 18 Aorta. |
front 19 What is the effect of aldosterone secretion on electrolyte levels? | back 19 Sodium levels are increased. |
front 20 Testosterone production is regulated by what gland? | back 20 Pituitary. |
front 21 An occurrence of too high of a concentration of what electrolyte is associated with cardiac arrhythmias? | back 21 Potassium. |
front 22 Which part of the nephron is closest to the collecting duct? | back 22 Distal convoluted tubule. |
front 23 What cell is primarily responsible for the destruction of old cells and invasive micro-organisms? | back 23 Macrophages. |
front 24 What part of the brain is responsible for the regulation of body temperature? | back 24 Hypothalamus. |
front 25 What occurs at the beginning of systole in a healthy heart? | back 25 The ventricles contract. |
front 26 The release of histamine is associated with what cells? | back 26 Mast cells. |
front 27 What structure of the gastrointestinal system absorbs iron and bile salts? | back 27 Ileum. |
front 28 What is the correct order of meninges layers of the brain from inside to out? | back 28 Pia mater, arachnoid, dura mater. |
front 29 What tissue connects bones to joints? | back 29 Ligaments. |
front 30 What antibody type mediates the body’s response to an allergy? | back 30 IgE. |
front 31 What blood vessels carry deoxygenated blood to the right atrium of the heart? | back 31 Superior and inferior vena cavae |
front 32 Calcium concentration in the blood is controlled by what gland? | back 32 Parathyroid. |
front 33 Where is the site of sperm maturation in the male reproductive system? | back 33 Epididymis. |
front 34 In the process of wound healing, what plays a role in clearing a wound of cellular debris? | back 34 Neutrophils. |