front 1 possible | back 1 able to happen or be done |
front 2 edible | back 2 able to be eaten |
front 3 visible | back 3 able to be seen |
front 4 flexible | back 4 able to bend without breaking |
front 5 responsible | back 5 taking care of your tasks in a timely and complete manner |
front 6 reversible | back 6 can be turned inside our or changed back |
front 7 terrible | back 7 very bad or unpleasant |
front 8 permissible | back 8 allowed |
front 9 accessible | back 9 easy to reach or use |
front 10 reliable | back 10 able to be trusted or depended on |
front 11 comfortable | back 11 providing physical or emotional relief or ease |
front 12 agreeable | back 12 pleasant or willing to help |
front 13 breakable | back 13 able to be damaged or shattered to pieces |
front 14 valuable | back 14 worth a lot of money or importance |
front 15 avoidable | back 15 able to be prevented |
front 16 enjoyable | back 16 giving pleasure or delight |
front 17 understandable | back 17 easy to comprehend or sympathize with |
front 18 adaptable | back 18 able to adjust to new conditions |
front 19 remarkable | back 19 worthy of being noticed, extraordinary |
front 20 audible | back 20 able to be heard |