front 1 un profil / un compte | back 1 a profile / account |
front 2 un fil ( d'actualité) | back 2 a (news) feed |
front 3 publier | back 3 to publish |
front 4 la liberté d'expression | back 4 freedom of speech |
front 5 un influenceur / une influenceuse | back 5 an influencer |
front 6 un commentaire | back 6 ancomment |
front 7 commenter | back 7 to comment |
front 8 un mur | back 8 a wall |
front 9 un outil de communication | back 9 a communication tool |
front 10 raconter sa vie | back 10 to blabber / to tell life's story |
front 11 un Youtubeur / une Youtubeuse | back 11 a Youtuber |
front 12 le harcèlement | back 12 bullying |
front 13 harcéler | back 13 to bully |
front 14 l'excusion | back 14 exclusion |
front 15 exclure | back 15 to exclude |
front 16 la souffrance | back 16 suffering |
front 17 souffrir | back 17 to suffer |
front 18 un appel masqué | back 18 a call from a blocked number |
front 19 une intox/ une fausse nouvelle | back 19 fake news |
front 20 les téléchargements illégaux | back 20 illegal downloads |
front 21 l'addiction / la dépendance | back 21 addiction |
front 22 etre connecté en permanence | back 22 to be constantly connected |
front 23 les arnaques | back 23 scams |
front 24 l'intrusion dans la vie privée | back 24 intrusion on private life |
front 25 perdre le contact avec la vie réelle | back 25 to lose contact with real life |
front 26 les théories du complot | back 26 conspiracy theories |
front 27 l'intimidation | back 27 intimidation |
front 28 intimider | back 28 to intimidate |
front 29 une menace | back 29 threat |
front 30 menacer | back 30 to threaten |
front 31 un calvaire | back 31 an ordeal |
front 32 se sentir démuni | back 32 to feel lost |
front 33 la nomophobie | back 33 phobia of being separated from one's phone |
front 34 le piratage | back 34 pirating |
front 35 devenir accro | back 35 to become addicted |
front 36 perdre la nation du temps | back 36 to lose track of time |
front 37 un escroc | back 37 a con artist |
front 38 le vol de données | back 38 data theft |
front 39 le manque de sommeil | back 39 the lack of sleep |
front 40 se propager | back 40 to spread |
front 41 lutter (contre) | back 41 to fight ( against) |
front 42 agir | back 42 to act |
front 43 modérer | back 43 to control/ filter |
front 44 un modérateur | back 44 a mod |
front 45 une plainte | back 45 a complaint |
front 46 se plaindre | back 46 to complain |
front 47 un térmoin | back 47 a witness |
front 48 la méfiance | back 48 mistrust |
front 49 se méfier de | back 49 to be wary of |
front 50 fiable | back 50 reliable |
front 51 vérifier la source | back 51 to check the source |
front 52 se passer de | back 52 to do without |
front 53 écourter son usage | back 53 to reduce your use |
front 54 interdire | back 54 to forbid, to ban |
front 55 singaler | back 55 to report |
front 56 sensibiler quelqu'un à / un campagne de sensibilisation | back 56 to make somebody aware of / an awareness campaign |