front 1 la aplicación | back 1 app |
front 2 la batería | back 2 battery |
front 3 la cámara digital | back 3 digital camera |
front 4 el canal | back 4 channel |
front 5 el cargador | back 5 charger |
front 6 el control remoto | back 6 remote control |
front 7 el correo de voz | back 7 voice mail |
front 8 el radio | back 8 radio |
front 9 el (teléfono) celular | back 9 (cell) phone |
front 10 el televisor | back 10 television |
front 11 apagar | back 11 to turn off |
front 12 funcionar | back 12 to work |
front 13 llamar | back 13 to call |
front 14 prender | back 14 to turn on |
front 15 sonar | back 15 to ring |
front 16 textear | back 16 to text |
front 17 descompuesto | back 17 not working; out of order |
front 18 lento | back 18 slow |
front 19 lleno | back 19 full |
front 20 el archivo | back 20 file |
front 21 la arroba | back 21 @ |
front 22 el blog | back 22 blog |
front 23 el buscador | back 23 browser |
front 24 la computadora | back 24 computer |
front 25 la conexión inalámbrica | back 25 wireless connection |
front 26 la contraseña | back 26 password |
front 27 la dirección electronica | back 27 e-mail address |
front 28 la impresora | back 28 printer |
front 29 el mensaje de texto | back 29 text message |
front 30 la página principal | back 30 home page |
front 31 la pantalla | back 31 screen |
front 32 el perfil | back 32 profile |
front 33 el programa de computación | back 33 software |
front 34 el ratón | back 34 mouse |
front 35 la red | back 35 network |
front 36 el sitio web | back 36 website |
front 37 la tableta | back 37 tablet |
front 38 el teclado | back 38 keyboard |
front 39 borrar | back 39 to erase |
front 40 cargar | back 40 to charge |
front 41 chatear | back 41 to chat |
front 42 conectarse a Internet | back 42 to get connected to the Internet |
front 43 descargar | back 43 to download |
front 44 escanear | back 44 to scan |
front 45 grabar | back 45 to record |
front 46 guardar | back 46 to save |
front 47 imprimir | back 47 to print |
front 48 la autopista | back 48 highway |
front 49 el baúl | back 49 trunk |
front 50 la calle | back 50 street |
front 51 la carretera | back 51 highway |
front 52 el capó | back 52 hood |
front 53 el carro/ el coche | back 53 car |
front 54 la circulación/ la trafico | back 54 traffic |
front 55 el garaje | back 55 garage |
front 56 la gasolina | back 56 gas |
front 57 la gasolinera | back 57 gas station |
front 58 la licencia de conducir | back 58 drivers license |
front 59 la llanta | back 59 tire |
front 60 el/la mecánico | back 60 mechanic |
front 61 el navegador GPS | back 61 GPS |
front 62 el parabrisas | back 62 windshield |
front 63 la policía | back 63 police |
front 64 la velocidad máxima | back 64 speed limit |
front 65 el volante | back 65 steering wheel |
front 66 arrancar | back 66 to start |
front 67 arreglar | back 67 to fix; to arrange |
front 68 bajar de | back 68 to get out of (the vehicle) |
front 69 conducir | back 69 to drive |
front 70 estacionar | back 70 to park |
front 71 llenar | back 71 to fill (the tank) |
front 72 parar | back 72 to stop |
front 73 revisar | back 73 to check (the oil) |
front 74 subir a | back 74 to get into (the vehicle) |