front 1 ![]() | back 1 Apollo 11 Stones |
front 2 ![]() | back 2 Great Hall of the Bulls |
front 3 ![]() | back 3 Camelid Sacrum in the Shape of a Canine |
front 4 ![]() | back 4 Running Horned Woman |
front 5 ![]() | back 5 Bushel/Beaker with Ibex Motifs |
front 6 ![]() | back 6 Anthropomorphic Stele |
front 7 ![]() | back 7 Jade Cong |
front 8 ![]() | back 8 Stonehenge |
front 9 ![]() | back 9 Ambum Stone |
front 10 ![]() | back 10 Tlatilco Female Figurine |
front 11 ![]() | back 11 Terracotta Fragments (Lapita Peoples) |
front 12 Apollo 11 Stones Artist/Culture | back 12 Prehistoric African (Namibia) Paleolithic |
front 13 Great Hall of the Bulls Artist/Culture | back 13 Prehistoric European Paleolithic |
front 14 Camelid Sacrum in the Shape of a Canine, Artist/Culture | back 14 Prehistoric American (Mexico) Paleolithic |
front 15 Running Horned Woman Artist/Culture | back 15 Prehistoric African (Algerian) Paleolithic |
front 16 Beaker/Bushel with Ibex Motifs Artist/Culture | back 16 Prehistoric Middle Eastern (Iran) Paleolithic |
front 17 Anthropomorphic Stele Artist/Culture | back 17 Prehistoric Middle Eastern Neolithic |
front 18 Jade Cong Artist/Culture | back 18 Prehistoric Chinese Neolithic |
front 19 Stonehenge Artist/Culture | back 19 Prehistoric European Neolithic |
front 20 Ambum Stone Artist/Culture | back 20 Prehistoric Oceania Formative |
front 21 Tlatilco Female Figurine Artist/Culture | back 21 Prehistoric American (Mexico) Formative |
front 22 Terracotta Fragments Artist/Culture | back 22 Prehistoric Oceania (Lapita) Iron Age |
front 23 Apollo 11 Stones Date | back 23 25,500 BCE - 25,300 BCE |
front 24 Great Hall of the Bulls Date | back 24 15,000 BCE - 13,000 BCE |
front 25 Camelid Sacrum in the Shape of a Canine Date | back 25 14,000 BCE - 7,000 BCE |
front 26 Running Horned Woman Date | back 26 6,000 BCE - 4,000 BCE |
front 27 Beaker/Bushel with Ibex Motifs Date | back 27 4,200 BCE - 3,500 BCE |
front 28 Anthropomorphic Stele Date | back 28 4,000 BCE |
front 29 Jade Cong Date | back 29 3,300 BCE - 2,200 BCE |
front 30 Stonehenge Date | back 30 2,500 BCE - 1,600 BCE |
front 31 Ambum Stone Date | back 31 1,500 BCE |
front 32 Tlatilco Female Figurine Date | back 32 1,200 BCE - 900 BCE |
front 33 Terracotta Fragments Date | back 33 1000 BCE |
front 34 Apollo 11 Stones Medium | back 34 Charcoal on Stone |
front 35 Great Hall of the Bulls Medium | back 35 Rock Painting |
front 36 Camelid Sacrum in the Shape of a Canine Medium | back 36 Bone |
front 37 Running Horned Woman Medium | back 37 Pigment on Rock |
front 38 Beaker with Ibex Motifs Medium | back 38 Painted terracotta |
front 39 Anthropomorphic Stele Medium | back 39 Sandstone |
front 40 Jade Cong Medium | back 40 Carved Jade |
front 41 Ambum Stone Medium | back 41 Greywacke |
front 42 Tlatilco Female Figurine Medium | back 42 Ceramic |
front 43 Terracotta Fragment Medium | back 43 Incised terracotta |
front 44 Apollo 11 Stones Location | back 44 Namibia |
front 45 Great Hall of the Bulls Location | back 45 Lascaux, France |
front 46 Camelid Sacrum in the Shape of a Canine Location | back 46 Tequixquiac, Central Mexico |
front 47 Running Horned Woman Location | back 47 Tassili n'Ajjer, Algeria |
front 48 Beaker with Ibex Motifs Location | back 48 Susa, Iran |
front 49 Anthropomorphic Stele Location | back 49 Arabian Peninsula |
front 50 Jade Cong Location | back 50 Liangzhu, China |
front 51 Stonehenge Location | back 51 Wiltshire, UK |
front 52 Ambum Stone Location | back 52 Ambum Valley, Enga Province, Papua New Guinea |
front 53 Tlatilco Female Figurine Location | back 53 Tlatilco, Central Mexico |
front 54 Terracotta Fragment Location | back 54 Solomon Islands, Reef Islands |
front 55 Theme of this Unit | back 55 "Cave Conjecture"
front 56 Anthropomorphic | back 56 having characteristics of the human form, although the form itself is not human |
front 57 Bushel | back 57 cylindrical earthenware pot |
front 58 Cong | back 58 a tubular object with a circular hole cut into it in the middle like a cross section |
front 59 Figurative | back 59 clearly derived from real objects or sources |
front 60 Ground/Horizon line | back 60 horizontal line at eye level that determines ground space that figures are rooted upon |
front 61 Henge | back 61 A Neolithic monument, characterized by a circular ground plan of stone; commonly used for rituals and marking astronomical events |
front 62 Incise | back 62 to cut into a surface with a sharp instrument |
front 63 Megalith/Monolith | back 63 a large, single block or piece of stone used in large, stone structures |
front 64 Mortise and Tenon | back 64 an architectural joint made from two components (mortise hole and tenon tongue); tenon is inserted into the mortise and is cut to fit the hole exactly; tenon may be glued or otherwise adhered in place |
front 65 Naturalism | back 65 attempting to portray objects from everyday life as they are |
front 66 Positive | back 66 area of artworks where there is mass and subject |
front 67 Negative | back 67 area of artwork that is void of mass |
front 68 Post and Lintel | back 68 architecture in which two or more vertical elements (posts) support and are capped by a horizontal element (lintel) |
front 69 Profile | back 69 a view of an object or person from the side |
front 70 Sculpture-in-the-Round (free-standing sculpture) | back 70 sculpture that can be seen from all sides and is not affixed |
front 71 Stele | back 71 upright stone slab, often to mark a grave or site |
front 72 Stylized | back 72 a manner of depicting the visible world that privileges a certain look over realism and faithfulness to how things truly appear in nature |
front 73 Superimposed Art | back 73 when one painting is painted over another (not necessarily at the same time) |
front 74 Terra-cotta | back 74 a hard, ceramic clay used for building or for pottery |
front 75 Twisted Perspective/Composite View | back 75 A convention of representation in which part of a figure is shown in profile and another part of the same figure is shown frontally |