front 1 port | back 1 to carry, to bring |
front 2 struct, stru | back 2 to build, to put together, to arrange |
front 3 ject | back 3 to throw, to cast |
front 4 tract, tra | back 4 to pull, to draw out |
front 5 vert, vers | back 5 to turn, to change |
front 6 rupt | back 6 to break, to burst, to pop |
front 7 spec, spect, spic | back 7 to see, to look at, to behold |
front 8 form | back 8 to shape, to mold |
front 9 scrib, script | back 9 to write |
front 10 dic, dict | back 10 to say, to speak |