front 1 at risk | back 1 halis ku jira something bad could happen EXAMPLE: People who smoke are at risk of getting lung cancer. |
front 2 osteoporosis | back 2 cudurka lafaha a disease that makes the bones weak and likely to break EXAMPLE: My grandmother didn't drink milk or eat any dairy products. She didn't get much exercise. She got osteoporosis. At age 75 she fell down and broke her hip. |
front 3 medical condition | back 3 xaalad caafimaad something that is wrong with your health EXAMPLE: I filled out a medical form. It asked if I had any medical conditions. I wrote that I have prediabetes and allergies. |
front 4 prevent | back 4 ka hortag (verb) stop something from happening EXAMPLE: Let's drive safely and prevent accidents! |
front 5 benefit from | back 5 ka faa iidayso (verb) to have an advantage from something EXAMPLE: Her parents paid for her college education. She benefitted from this because she doesn't have any student loans. |
front 6 have control over | back 6 gacanta ku hay (verb) have power over EXAMPLE: People have control over their diet. Each person decides what she will eat and how much. |
front 7 hereditary | back 7 dhaxalka passed to a child from his parents before birth EXAMPLE: My parents have blue eyes, so I have blue eyes. Eye color is hereditary. |
front 8 posture | back 8 qaab dhismeed the position of your back, shoulders, and head when you are standing or sitting EXAMPLE: I want my kids to have good posture. I often tell them to stand up straight. |
front 9 absorb | back 9 nuugid (verb) to pull something inside EXAMPLE: A towel absorbs water. |
front 10 balance | back 10 is le'eg having your weight on both feet so you don't fall down EXAMPLE: When I walked on the ice, I lost my balance and fell down. |
front 11 calcium | back 11 kaalshiyam something in food that is good for your teeth and bones EXAMPLE: It is important for women to drink milk every day. They need the calcium to keep their bones healthy. |
front 12 definitely | back 12 xaqiiqdii for sure, no doubt EXAMPLE: Before we got married, I asked my husband if he wanted children too. This is important to me because I definitely want to have children. |
front 13 dense | back 13 culeys strong (as in bones) EXAMPLE: Bones are strong only when they are dense. They should not look like swiss cheese. |
front 14 develop | back 14 korid (verb) to start to have an illness / disease EXAMPLE: Women who don't drink milk and exercise sometimes develop osteoporosis. |
front 15 have an impact on | back 15 saameyn leh (verb) to affect something or someone EXAMPLE: Exercising has a big impact on our health. |
front 16 out of your control | back 16 aadan xakamayn karin not having any power over something EXAMPLE: We have control over our weight, but not over our height (how tall we are). This is out of our control. |
front 17 painful | back 17 xanuun badan causes pain, hurts EXAMPLE: A cavity can be very painful. Call the dentist right away! |
front 18 recommend | back 18 ku talin (verb) give advice EXAMPLE: My doctor recommended that I drink 3 glasses of milk every day to avoid getting osteoporosis. |
front 19 rich in | back 19 hodan ju ah containing a lot of something good or useful EXAMPLE: Spinach, kale, celery, and broccoli are rich in calcium. |
front 20 at least | back 20 ugu yaraan as much as, or more than, a number or amount EXAMPLE: I need to have at least 3 servings of dairy products every day. This means 3 or more servings. |
front 21 at once | back 21 hal mar at the same time EXAMPLE: No one can drink water and talk at once. It is not possible to do them both at the same time. |