front 1 apathy | back 1 lack of feeling or emotion; lack of interest or concern |
front 2 sojorn | back 2 a temporary stay |
front 3 perserve | back 3 being persistent, overcoming obstacles |
front 4 euphoria | back 4 extreme happiness |
front 5 composure | back 5 a calmness or repose especially of mind, bearing, or appearance |
front 6 apprehensive | back 6 viewing the future with anxiety or alarm; feeling or showing fear about the future |
front 7 economized | back 7 try and save money by reducing the amount your spending |
front 8 congruent | back 8 in agreement |
front 9 confiscatory | back 9 something taken away from someone by the government |
front 10 consummate | back 10 extremely skilled and accomplished; perfect or complete in every way |
front 11 whim | back 11 sudden desire or idea; a capricious or eccentric and often sudden idea or turn of the mind |
front 12 dogma | back 12 fixed set of beliefs that people except without doubt; something held as an established opinion |
front 13 fancy | back 13 a liking formed by caprice rather than reason; to believe without being certain |
front 14 tenet | back 14 a principle, belief, or doctrine generally held to be true |
front 15 polity | back 15 a specific form of political organization |
front 16 spurious | back 16 false/not what it appears to be; of a deceitful nature or quality |
front 17 terse | back 17 using few words |
front 18 succinct | back 18 said in a clear and short way without unnecessary words |
front 19 bellicose | back 19 wishing to fight or start a war |
front 20 blithe | back 20 happy and without worry; of a happy lighthearted character or disposition |
front 21 extol | back 21 to praise highly; glorify |
front 22 deprecate | back 22 to express disapproval of |
front 23 renounce | back 23 to give up, refuse, or resign usually by formal declaration; to refuse to follow, obey, or recognize any further |
front 24 spurn | back 24 refuse to accept something; to reject with disdain or contempt; scorn |
front 25 discountenance | back 25 to look with disfavor on; discourage by evidence of disapproval |
front 26 petulant | back 26 unreasonably angry and upset in a childish way |
front 27 tempestuous | back 27 violently emotional; characterized by strong and turbulent or conflicting emotion |
front 28 placid | back 28 calm; serenely free of interruption or disturbance |
front 29 mercurial | back 29 characterized by rapid and unpredictable changeableness of mood |
front 30 pliant | back 30 easily influenced/controlled by other people |
front 31 intrinsic | back 31 Important and basic characteristic of a person or thing; belonging to the essential nature or constitution of a thing |
front 32 frenetic | back 32 marked by fast and energetic, disordered, or anxiety-driven activity |
front 33 arrogate | back 33 to claim on behalf of another; to seize without justification |
front 34 eschew | back 34 deliberately avoid using; abstain from |
front 35 inter | back 35 to deposit (a dead body) in the earth or in a tomb |
front 36 imbue | back 36 to fill something or someone with a particular feeling, quality, or idea |
front 37 exorbitant | back 37 (of prices and demands) much too large |
front 38 interpolate | back 38 to add something in the middle of a text, piece of music, etc. |
front 39 flounder | back 39 to experience great difficulties or be completely unable to decide what to do or say next |
front 40 apogee | back 40 the most successful, popular, or powerful point |
front 41 impasse | back 41 a situation in which progress is impossible, especially because the people involved cannot agree |
front 42 capitulate | back 42 to accept defeat/ give up or give in |
front 43 regress | back 43 to return to a previous and less advanced or worse state, condition, or way of behaving |
front 44 impugn | back 44 to cause people to doubt someone's character, qualities, or reputation by criticizing them |
front 45 acrimony | back 45 anger, argument, bad feeling |
front 46 sinecure | back 46 paid position that involves little or no work |
front 47 impede | back 47 make more difficult for something to happen/progress |
front 48 outweigh | back 48 to have more influence or importance than something else |
front 49 paltry | back 49 very small and of little or no value |
front 50 abhorrent | back 50 morally very bad |
front 51 elusive | back 51 difficult to describe, find, achieve, or remeber |
front 52 desultory | back 52 without a clear plan or purpose; showing little effort or interest |
front 53 parsimonious | back 53 not willing to spend money pr use a lot of something |
front 54 truculent | back 54 unpleasant and likely to argue a lot |
front 55 circumnavigate | back 55 sail around something |
front 56 circument | back 56 avoid something by going around it |
front 57 adversary | back 57 enemy |
front 58 discretionary | back 58 able to be decided by a particular person or group, rather than being controlled by rules, or relating to the power to make these decisions |
front 59 sacrosanct | back 59 too important or too special to be changed |
front 60 injudicious | back 60 showing bad judgement |
front 61 pestilential | back 61 relating to or causing very serious infectious disease that spreads quickly and kills large numbers of people |
front 62 annex | back 62 take possession of area of land by force |
front 63 approbation | back 63 approval or agreement, often given by an official group |
front 64 largess | back 64 giving away money in a generous way |
front 65 enmity | back 65 feeling of hate |
front 66 galvanize | back 66 to cause someone to suddenly take action |
front 67 repudiate | back 67 refuse to accept something or someone to be true or good |
front 68 ebullience | back 68 full of energy and happiness |
front 69 interloper | back 69 someone who becomes involved without being asked/wanted |
front 70 miscreant | back 70 someone who behaves badly or does not obey rules |
front 71 duress | back 71 threats used to force a person to do something |
front 72 inscrutable | back 72 difficult to understand or get to know |
front 73 mercenary | back 73 interested only in amount of money you can get from a situation |
front 74 draconian | back 74 extremely severe rule, law, or punishment |
front 75 insipid | back 75 not having a strong taste or character; no interest/energy |
front 76 despot | back 76 ruler with unlimited power and uses it unfairly and cruelly |
front 77 cognizant | back 77 understanding or realizing something |
front 78 phlegmatic | back 78 unemotional/unexcited |
front 79 conciliatory | back 79 willingness to end a disagreement |
front 80 cantakerous | back 80 arguing and complaining a lot |
front 81 inscrutable | back 81 impossible to understand |
front 82 trivial | back 82 little value or importance; insignificance |
front 83 contentious | back 83 likely to cause disagreement/argument |
front 84 ignoble | back 84 morally bad; making you feel ashamed |
front 85 precarious | back 85 likely to gall or duffer harm; uncertain |
front 86 facetious | back 86 not serious, in an attempt to be funny/appear clever |
front 87 baneful | back 87 causing harm or trouble |
front 88 alturistic | back 88 caring about bother and helping them although they receive nothing in return |
front 89 articulate | back 89 express in words clearly and easily |
front 90 vociferous | back 90 repeatedly and loudly expressing opinions/complaints |
front 91 eloquent | back 91 giving a clear, strong message |
front 92 detractor | back 92 someone who criticized something or someone unfairly |
front 93 neophyte | back 93 recently become involved in activity; still learning that thing/activity |
front 94 cognoscenti | back 94 group of people who have great knowledge and understanding of a particular subject |
front 95 connoisseur | back 95 one who has expert knowledge of something |
front 96 malcontent | back 96 person who is not satisfied with the way things are; complains a lot; difficult to deal with |
front 97 uninitiated | back 97 not having knowledge or experience of a particular subject or activity |
front 98 seminal | back 98 containing new/important ideas that influence later development |
front 99 derivative | back 99 not result of new ideas; made or developed from another pervious form |
front 100 canonical ` | back 100 related to or according to a rule, principle, law (having to do with the christian church) |
front 101 antithetical | back 101 exactly the opposite of someone or something or of each other |