front 1 Nemerteans:
| back 1 undergo spiral cleavage during development |
front 2 The worm that causes trichinosis after consuming undercooked pork is a:
| back 2 roundworm |
front 3 Mollusks:
| back 3 comprise about 1/4 of all marine species |
front 4 The earthworm
| back 4 all of the above are true |
front 5 Which of these are NOT a mollusk?
| back 5 anemone |
front 6 Planaria (a species that is categorized in Phylum Platyhelminthes)
| back 6 has one opening that serves as both the mouth and the anus |
front 7 Arthropoda are characterized by
| back 7 all of the above are true |
front 8 Planaria (a species found in phylum Platyhelminthes)
| back 8 is hermaphroditic (has both male and female reproductive system |
front 9 Sea urchins are found in what Class of Echinoderms?
| back 9 Echinoidea |
front 10 Which of the following is true?
| back 10 Since sponges are animals, they go through gastrulation and produce three true germ layers |
front 11 Which of the following is NOT a cnidarian?
| back 11 sea cucumber |
front 12 Annelids and mollusks are similar in that they
| back 12 derive from three germ layers (endoderm, mesoderm, ectoderm) |
front 13 Which of the following is true?
| back 13 All of the above are true |
front 14 The phylum with the most known species is
| back 14 Arthropoda |
front 15 Sponges exhibit what type of symmetry?
| back 15 they do not exhibit symmetry |
front 16 Platyhelminthes exhibit what type of body plan?
| back 16 acoelomate |
front 17 Phylum Nematoda (roundworms)
| back 17 are pseudocoelomates |
front 18 The sea star has a water vascular system. The water will enter the sea star through the
| back 18 madreporite |
front 19 Spiders are found in subphylum
| back 19 Chelicerata |