front 1 adjourn | back 1 V. To formally bring to an end (at least temporarily) V. To (formally) bring to an end V. To go somewhere (else), typically for rest or refreshment |
front 2 articulate | back 2 Adj. Having or showing the ability to speak fluently and coherently V. To convey or express in a particular way or manner |
front 3 candor | back 3 N. The state of being sincere and frank or blunt in speech |
front 4 colleague | back 4 N. A fellow member of a profession, staff, academic faculty, or other organization |
front 5 contraband | back 5 Adj. Imported or exported illegally, either in defiance of a total ban or without payment of duty N. Stolen or smuggled goods, money, or valuables |
front 6 deferential | back 6 Adj. Respectful and considerate in nature Adj. Characterized by obedience, subservience, or readiness to accept instruction or direction |
front 7 diplomatic | back 7 Adj. Having or showing an ability to deal with people in a tactful way Adj. Free of, or inclined to avoid, conflict or dissent |
front 8 embody | back 8 V. To represent in a physical, concrete or visible form V. To assimilate or incorporate into a body, structure or system |
front 9 ethical | back 9 Adj. Morally good or correct |
front 10 flabbergasted | back 10 Adj. Confounded with surprise or wonder |
front 11 grisly | back 11 Adj. Causing horror or disgust Adj. Marked or covered with blood |
front 12 imperative | back 12 Adj. Extremely urgent or important, to the point of being impossible to do without |
front 13 indict | back 13 V. To prosecute or accuse of wrongdoing V. To initiate legal action against someone |
front 14 inhibit | back 14 V. To impede the work or progress of |
front 15 irrevocable | back 15 Adj. Unable to be retracted or reversed |
front 16 palpable | back 16 Adj.Able to be touched or felt |
front 17 precipitate | back 17 V. To instigate or cause to happen V. To have water in the air fall to the ground |
front 18 relegate | back 18 V. To assign an inferior rank or position to V. To exile, banish, remove, or send away |
front 19 skeptical | back 19 Adj. Having doubts or uncertainty (about something or someone) |
front 20 vicarious | back 20 Adj. Experienced indirectly, typically through the feelings or actions of another person |