front 1 voracious (adj) | back 1 needing a lot of something to be satisfied (열렬히 탐하는) |
front 2 abolish (v) | back 2 to put an end to something by law (폐지하다) |
front 3 charisma (n) | back 3 an unusual ability to influence people that can inspire devotion in others (사람들을 휘어잡는 매력) |
front 4 justice (n) | back 4 the upholding of what is fair, just and right (공평성) |
front 5 occasion (n) | back 5 a particular event, or the time at which it takes place (행사, 어떤 일이 일어나는 특정한 때,기회) |
front 6 boycott (v) | back 6 to refuse to buy, use, or go in to in order to make a protest (구매[사용/참여]를 거부하다) |
front 7 courteous (adj) | back 7 polite and showing respect (공손한, 정중한) |
front 8 potential (n) | back 8 certain skills/abilities that may be developed for future success (가능성) |
front 9 motivate (v) | back 9 to cause someone to move or act by giving incentive (동기를 부여하다) |
front 10 outlaw (v) | back 10 to make illegal or prohibit (불법화하다, 금하다) |
front 11 spirit (n) | back 11 a feeling or mood (기분, 마음) |
front 12 quest (n) | back 12 a long or arduous search for something; task (탐구,임무) |
front 13 humiliation (n) | back 13 the action of causing someone to lose pride or feel embarrassed (수모, 창피, 굴욕감) |
front 14 courage (n) | back 14 the ability to face fear (용기) |
front 15 focal (adj) | back 15 center, most important part (중심의, 초점의) |
front 16 bravery (n) | back 16 the quality of showing mental strength to face danger (용기) |
front 17 arrest (v) | back 17 to seize and imprison someone for breaking the law (체포하다) |
front 18 segregation (n) | back 18 the practice of separating people according to groups (분리[차별]) |