front 1 あね | back 1 (my) older sister |
front 2 アパート | back 2 apartment |
front 3 うた | back 3 song |
front 4 おじいさん | back 4 grandfather ; old man |
front 5 おとこのひと (男の人) | back 5 man |
front 6 おばあさん | back 6 grandmother ; old woman |
front 7 おんなのひと (女の人) | back 7 woman |
front 8 かいしゃ (会社) | back 8 company |
front 9 かぞく | back 9 family |
front 10 かみ | back 10 hair |
front 11 きょうだい | back 11 rodzeństwo ; siblings |
front 12 くち (口) | back 12 mouth |
front 13 くに (国) | back 13 country ; place of origin |
front 14 くるま | back 14 car |
front 15 ゲーム | back 15 game |
front 16 コンビニ | back 16 convenience store ; ogólnospożywczy |
front 17 サークル | back 17 club ; group with a common interest |
front 18 しょくどう (食堂) | back 18 cafeteria |
front 19 め (目) | back 19 eye |
front 20 めがね | back 20 glasses |
front 21 あたまがいい | back 21 bright ; smart ; clever |
front 22 かわいい | back 22 cute |
front 23 せがたかい | back 23 tall (wzrost) |
front 24 せがひくい | back 24 short (wzrost) |
front 25 ながい | back 25 long |
front 26 はやい | back 26 fast |
front 27 みじかい | back 27 short (length) |
front 28 しんせつ(な) | back 28 kind |
front 29 べんり(な) | back 29 convenient |
front 30 うたう | back 30 to sing (U-verb) (~を) |
front 31 かぶる | back 31 to put on (a hat) (U-verb) (~を) |
front 32 しる | back 32 to get to know (U-verb) (~を) |
front 33 *しっています | back 33 I know |
front 34 *しりません | back 34 I don't know |
front 35 すむ | back 35 to live (U-verb) (~にすんでいます) XD |
front 36 はく | back 36 to put on (items below your waist) (U-verb) (~を) |
front 37 ふとる | back 37 to gain weight (U-verb) |
front 38 *ふとっています | back 38 to be fat / być gruby |
front 39 (めがねを)かける | back 39 to put on (glasses) (RU-verb) |
front 40 きる | back 40 to put on (clothes above your waist) (RU-verb) (~を) |
front 41 つとめる | back 41 to work for (RU-verb) (~につとめています) |
front 42 やせる | back 42 to lose weight (RU-verb) |
front 43 *やせています | back 43 to be thin |
front 44 けっこんする | back 44 to get married (IRRegular) (~と) |
front 45 ~が | back 45 ..., but |
front 46 なにも + negative (何も) | back 46 not...anything ; (nothing) at all |
front 47 ~にん (~人) | back 47 counter for people |
front 48 ひとり (一人) ふたり (二人) | back 48 one person two people |
front 49 べつに + negative | back 49 nothing in particular |
front 50 もしもし | back 50 Hello? (used on the phone) |
front 51 もちろん | back 51 of course |
front 52 よかったら | back 52 if you like |