front 1 Obscure | back 1 Not clearly understood or expressed; dark; to make dim; to confused |
front 2 Occult | back 2 Relating to matters beyond ordinary knowledge or understanding; secret; supernatural |
front 3 Oratorical | back 3 Pertaining to a public speaker or speech |
front 4 Ostentatious | back 4 Too showy; done in an overly elaborate way to attract attention |
front 5 Ovation | back 5 To pass through openings or pores; to penetrate |
front 6 Pallid | back 6 Abnormally pale; lacking in color, vitality, or interest |
front 7 Paragon | back 7 A model of excellence or perfection; a perfect example of something |
front 8 Pastoral | back 8 Relating to a simple country way of life; relating to shepherds |
front 9 Pedagogue | back 9 A schoolteacher; an educator |
front 10 Permeate | back 10 To pass through openings or pores; to penetrate |