front 1 replication of RNA viruses I | back 1 2/05 Last week went over DNA ss, ds, and ds with reverse transcription Today/wed will go over RNA viruses |
front 2 refresh on replication | back 2 DNA -> replication (dna polymerase) -> more DNA DNA -> transcription (rna polymerase) -> mRNA mrna -> translation (ribosomes in cytoplasm) -> protein in RNA viruses, both replication and transcription use RNA templates (both are RNA-dependent)
front 3 review of DNA transcription | back 3 ![]() didnt go over this |
front 4 general properties of RNA virus | back 4
front 5 host cell imposes constraints on RNA viruses | back 5
front 6 what do enzyme do RNA viruses have to generate mRNA? | back 6 viral RNA dependent RNA polymerase in order to make RNA from RNA, bc cell itself only carries DNA dependent RNA polymerase normally |
front 7 mRNA | back 7 identical to coding DNA strand complementary to template DNA strand |
front 8 mRNA configuration | back 8 plus (+) configuration |
front 9 mRNA's complement | back 9 minus (-) configuration |
front 10 ss RNA genome same as mRNA is | back 10 + strand rna virus |
front 11 ss RNA virus genome complementary to its mRNA | back 11 - strand RNA virus Based on relationship btw genomes of viruses and mRNA mRNA by definition = coding strand (remember from before) - complementary to template strand in DNA So mRNA = (+) configuration (+ RNA) And mRNA’s complement has (-) configuration Virus w/ ssRNA genome in same orientation as its mRNA is called a + strand RNA virus So + rna viruses are ready to translate = they immediately infect you, they do not need anything in order to translate except the cell functioning (what I said myself) - strand RNA viruses go thru diff mechanism, they do not directly translate (they must first transcribe) |
front 12 what kind of virus is covid? | back 12 + RNA virus |
front 13 + strand mRNA have genomes that are | back 13 functional
front 14 2 groups of RNA viruses whose genomes are NOT mRNAs | back 14
for these, 1st event after genome penetration is transcription
front 15 which RNA virus does NOT bring RdRp with it into the host cell? | back 15 (+) RNA, bc just coding for RdRp is sufficient, since it can directly translate and make proteins after entering cell
front 16 what RNA virus DOES bring RdRp with it into the host cell? | back 16 (-) strand and DS RNA viruses, because they require RdRp for initial TRANSCRIPTION of (-) strand to make mRNA (+) after entering the cell
front 17 4th group of RNA viruses = retroviruses | back 17 + mRNA that contain mRNA genomes, but DO NOT TRANSLATE THEIR mRNA -> reverse trancsription
front 18 viruses are classified regarding "sense' of their RNA | back 18
front 19 RNA viruses that DONT use DNA intermediate | back 19
front 20
| back 20
Only + strand can translate Other 2, transcribe Retrovirus exception ( use DNA as intermediate) |
front 21 retroviruses | back 21 exception to written above carry mRNA genome BUT use DNA as intermediate in their replication |
front 22 no data | back 22 ![]() - and ds rna are NOT immediately infectious like the + rna is (bc it directly translates) Replicase uses original genome as template to produce mRNA (make RNA of opposite sense, so - produce + and + produce - rna) - these intermediate RNAs serve as templates |
front 23 ssRNA virus genome replication requires 2 stages (w/ exception of retrovirus) | back 23
Mechanism of replication Input -> complementary strand -> make more of original strand using complementary strand (I think this is what last slide showed too) |
front 24 thus | back 24
RNA virus replication -> error frequency of RNA-directed replication -> quite high compared to DNA
RNA virus replication has high frequency for mistakes
front 25 picorna viruses | back 25 (+) sense RNA viruses polio, common cold, Hep A |
front 26 togaviruses | back 26 (+) sense RNA viruses rubella |
front 27 flaviviruses | back 27 (+) sense RNA viruses yellow fever, Hep C, dengue |
front 28 coronaviruses | back 28 (+) sense RNA viruses COVID, SARS, MERS, common cold |
front 29 HTLV, HIV | back 29 retroviruses HTLV is oncogenic -> leukemia in humans |
front 30 paramyxoviruses | back 30 (-) sense RNA viruses measles, mumps, RSV |
front 31 rhabdoviruses | back 31 (-) sense RNA viruses rabies |
front 32 orthomyxoviruses | back 32 (-) sense RNA viruses flu |
front 33 bunyaviruses | back 33 (-) sense RNA viruses resp distress hemorrhagic fevers |
front 34 reoviruses | back 34 DS RNA viruses resp/GI infections |
front 35 ADD PIC | back 35 Rna viruses can be enveloped or naked Enveloped - ss genome - segmented (can do reassortment) - flu - nonsegmented - MMR, rsv - rabies - ss reverse transcriptase Nonenveloped - ssrna - picornavirus - ds rna -reoviruses |
front 36 (+) strand RNA viruses | back 36
Not in virion bc directly infectious, so it makes it (protein) - after RNA pol translated, the (-) template is made, as a template to make more mRNA + replicate genome |
front 37 what is RNA-dependent RNA polymerase? | back 37 the enzyme ENCODED by (+) RNA viruses
front 38 (+) RNA functions | back 38
front 39 (+) RNA viruses are translated when? | back 39 directly/right away shortly after penetration into the cell |
front 40 ex: polio | back 40 ![]() Example of how this happens in polio 1.virion release the mRNA into host cell 2.Go directly to ribosomes to translate 3.Then cleaved by proteases 4.In nucleus, viral mRNA do genomic replication 5.Exit membrane (mRNA) w/ capsid proteins and etc. all formed correctly |
front 41 ![]() proteins made by (+) mRNA and what they do | back 41 ![]() Block synth of host cell proteins Don’t have 5’ cap, but have “ VpG” - allows virus to stop synth of host cell proteins Translation -> make polyprotein - produced thru autocleavages (see proteases 3C and 2A) = make P1, P2, P3 - P1 -> capsid proteins - P2/P3 make other regulatory proteins |
front 42 steps in assembly of poliovirus capsid | back 42 ![]() Polio virus – 1st viral capsid completely elucidated in structure Capsid proteins assemble into protomer, then pentamer, then procapsid, provirion, then virion |
front 43 how (+) RNA viruses shut down cellular protein synthesis | back 43 ![]() cellular mRNA has 5' cap to protect from degradation + assist ribosomal binding in translation and has 3' end poly A tail, also protects from degradation cap-dependent translation involves recognition of cap structure by elF4F cao-binding complex that recruits ribosomes to the mRNA for translation initiation but, (+) RNA (like picornaviruses) - use cap-independent mechanism to use internal ribosome entry sites (IRES) Used by many RNA viruses 5’ cap structure – allow recognition by ribosome (cap recognition site allow binding) These viruses destroy possibility … |
front 44 strategy of this | back 44
2A cleaves important factor that recruits ribosomes - host can no longer translate own cellular mRNA Block synth In host cell of proteins |
front 45 picornavirus | back 45 shut down cellular protein synthesis
= THUS ribosomes cannot recognize capped mRNA, so cell mRNA cant be translated what i wrote: 2A inactivate cellular cap transl. initiation factor ribosomes cant recognize capped mRNA -> BUT picornaviruses/these types of viruses usa LEADER signal instead that enables ribosomal recognition = thus translation of uncapped viral mRNA occurs |