front 1 grief | back 1 great sadness after a loss of someone or something you love |
front 2 query | back 2 a question |
front 3 determination | back 3 the quality of having a firm goal and staying focused on it |
front 4 woe | back 4 great suffering or sorrow |
front 5 mischievous | back 5 tending to behave in an annoying or mildly harmful way |
front 6 peculiarity | back 6 the state of being odd or strange |
front 7 submerge | back 7 to put completely under the water |
front 8 persistence | back 8 the act of continuing steadily in a course of action, never giving up |
front 9 leverage | back 9 the ability to influence others OR the action used to pry open an object |
front 10 plead | back 10 to ask for something in a sincere or serious way |
front 11 fulfill | back 11 to complete a task as required |
front 12 resistance | back 12 the opposite power of one force against another OR standing up for a belief by protesting |
front 13 underbrush | back 13 small shrubs, trees, or plants that grow beneath taller trees in a forest |
front 14 liniment | back 14 ![]() a liquid medicine rubbed on the skin to relieve aches or bruises |
front 15 bawl | back 15 to cry loudly, wail |
front 16 limber | back 16 flexible, bendable |
front 17 momentum | back 17 building up over time |
front 18 belligerent | back 18 having an aggressive or fighting attitude |
front 19 spellbound | back 19 to be fascinated, held the attention of someone as though by magic |
front 20 predicament | back 20 a difficult, unpleasant, or embarrassing situation |
front 21 slough | back 21 a swamp |
front 22 hysterical | back 22 in a state of uncontrolled excitement, anger, or panic |
front 23 abound | back 23 to have in large numbers or amounts |
front 24 game | back 24 wild mammals or bird hunted for sport or food |
front 25 bootlegger | back 25 someone who makes or sells illegal goods |
front 26 rile | back 26 to cause someone to become angry, annoyed, irritated |
front 27 disposition | back 27 a person's usual mood or attitude |
front 28 begrudgingly | back 28 to give or say something without really wanting to |
front 29 wily | back 29 skilled at getting what they want by using tricks |
front 30 leer | back 30 ![]() to stare at someone in an unpleasant or mean way |
front 31 stingy | back 31 someone who does not like spending money and wants to save as much as possible |
front 32 crooked | back 32 someone who is dishonest or a criminal |
front 33 scald | back 33 to burn with hot liquid or steam |
front 34 coax | back 34 to get someone to do something by gently urging them |
front 35 dormant | back 35 at rest, not active, hidden, asleep |
front 36 drastic | back 36 extreme or severe |
front 37 mantel | back 37 the frame and shelf around the fireplace |
front 38 sparsely | back 38 in small numbers, spread out |
front 39 turpentine | back 39 a mix of oil and resin from trees like pines, used to dissolve paint or other substances |
front 40 pester | back 40 to bother again and again |
front 41 bribery | back 41 the act of offering something in exchange for what you want |
front 42 wade | back 42 to walk in water or something else that makes it slower or more difficult to move |
front 43 dumbfound | back 43 to confuse, amaze, or astonish |
front 44 uneasy | back 44 uncomfortable, nervous, awkward |
front 45 quaver | back 45 to say or sing with a trembling voice, to shake or tremble from exhaustion |
front 46 riffle | back 46 a shallow area in a stream |
front 47 wince | back 47 to move suddenly away from something painful or frightening |
front 48 gawk | back 48 to stare at something or someone with an awkward or silly expression |