front 1 What is metagenomics? | back 1 the sequence of one or two representative genes from several species |
front 2 Which procedure is not required when the shotgun approach to
sequencing is modified as | back 2 cloning each fragment into a plasmid |
front 3 What is proteomics? | back 3 the study of the full protein set encoded by a genome |
front 4 What is bioinformatics? | back 4 the application of computational methods to the storage and analysis of biological data |
front 5 A microarray known as a GeneChip, with most of the human
protein-coding genetic | back 5 data that could alert patients to what kind of cancer they were likely to acquire |
front 6 Which of the following most correctly describes the whole-genome
shotgun technique for | back 6 cloning fragments from many copies of an entire chromosome,
sequencing the fragments, and |
front 7 Which of the following is a representation of gene density? | back 7 Humans have ~20,000 genes in 2,900 Mb. |
front 8 Why might the cricket genome have 11 times as many base pairs as that
of Drosophila | back 8 Crickets must have more noncoding DNA. |
front 9 The comparison between the number of human genes and those of other
animal species has | back 9 the number of proteins expressed by the human genome is far more than
the number of its |
front 10 What characteristic of short tandem repeat DNA makes it useful for
DNA fingerprinting? | back 10 The number of repeats varies widely from person to person or animal to animal. |
front 11 In humans, the embryonic and fetal forms of hemoglobin have a higher
affinity for oxygen | back 11 nonidentical genes that produce different versions of globins during development. |
front 12 A multigene family is composed of | back 12 genes whose sequences are very similar and that probably arose by duplication. |
front 13 Which of the following can be duplicated in a genome? | back 13 sequences, chromosomes, or sets of chromosomes |
front 14 Unequal crossing over during prophase I can result in one sister
chromosome with a deletion | back 14 There should also be persons whose hemoglobin contains two copies of
the series of amino |
front 15 Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes. In contrast, chimpanzees have 24
pairs of | back 15 The common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees had 24 pairs of
chromosomes, and at |
front 16 When does exon shuffling occur? | back 16 during meiotic recombination |
front 17 In order to determine the probable function of a particular sequence
of DNA in humans, what | back 17 Look for a reasonably identical sequence in another species, prepare
a knockout of this |
front 18 Homeotic genes contain a homeobox sequence that is highly conserved
among very diverse | back 18 that homeotic genes are selectively expressed over developmental time |
front 19 A recent study compared the H. sapiens genome with that of
Neanderthals. The results of the | back 19 a number of modern H. sapiens with Neanderthal sequences. |
front 20 Fragments of DNA have been extracted from the remnants of extinct
woolly mammoths, | back 20 understand the evolutionary relationships among members of related taxa |
front 21 Which region is occupied by exons only (V)? | back 21 A |
front 22 Which region includes Alu elements and LI sequences? | back 22 E |
front 23 The movement of these blocks suggests that | back 23 chromosomal translocations have moved blocks of sequences to other chromosomes. |
front 24 Which of the following represents another example of the same
phenomenon as that shown in | back 24 the apparent centric fusion between two chromosome pairs of primates
such as chimps to |
front 25 Multigene families include two or more nearly identical genes or
genes sharing nearly identical | back 25 by chromosomal translocation |
front 26 Several of the different globin genes are expressed in humans, but at
different times in | back 26 differential gene regulation over time |
front 27 Bioinformatics includes all of the following except | back 27 using molecular biology to combine DNA from two different sources in a test tube. |
front 28 One of the characteristics of retrotransposons is that | back 28 they code for an enzyme that synthesizes DNA using an RNA template. |
front 29 Homeotic genes | back 29 encode transcription factors that control the expression of genes
responsible for specific |
front 30 Two eukaryotic proteins have one domain in common but are otherwise
very different. Which | back 30 exon shuffling |
front 31 Two eukaryotic proteins are identical except for one domain in each
protein, and these two | back 31 alternative splicing |