front 1 cathedral | back 1 noun - a large and important church |
front 2 drifts | back 2 noun - a hill made of snow similar to a sand dune |
front 3 pomegranate | back 3 noun - a red fruit with a hard rind and juicy seeds inside that you eat |
front 4 Neapolitan | back 4 noun - citizen of Naples OR a type of ice cream with strawberry, vanilla, and chocolate layered side by side |
front 5 camcorder | back 5 noun - a portable video recording device that includes a camera and a videocassette recorder in one unit (think GoPro but much bigger) |
front 6 harmony | back 6 noun - musical notes played or sung at the same time that make a pleasing sound |
front 7 iridescent | back 7 adjective - shiny, reflecting with a rainbow colored pattern, bright, radiant |
front 8 yakking | back 8 verb - to talk for a long time about boring or meaningless subjects |
front 9 infomercial | back 9 noun - a long commercial in the form of a television program |
front 10 delicate | back 10 adjective - easy to break, pleasing to the senses |
front 11 pores | back 11 noun - a tiny opening in the skin where water or sweat can pass |
front 12 concentrate | back 12 verb - to focus your attention or thought |
front 13 sheepish | back 13 adjective - showing embarrassment after doing something foolish |
front 14 coax | back 14 verb - to get someone to do something by gently urging them |
front 15 telethon | back 15 noun - a television program that lasts several hours to raise money for charity |
front 16 mannequin | back 16 noun - a model of the human body used to display clothing in a store |