front 1 animal cell culture | back 1 no data |
front 2 outline | back 2
front 3 1. CHARACTERISTICS OF ANIMAL CELL CULTURE | back 3 no data |
front 4 no data | back 4
Start w/ animal cell culture - if were unable to culture, wouldn’t be able to study viruses (extraction from ppl not practical) - animal cells cannot live outside of their natural (in vivo) environment - culturing is taking cells from vivo environment to conditions in another place they can grow (in vitro) |
front 5 cells can be grown in culture | back 5 cells grown in culture provide more homogenous population of cells from which to extract material, and they are also much more convenient to work with in the lab in sterile plasticware |
front 6 ex vivo cell culture | back 6 extracting the cells from animals/humans (extracting primary cells from them) |
front 7 in vitro | back 7 In vitro literally translates from Latin as “in glass.” These methods involve experimenting with cells outside a living organism. The original reference to glass is quite literal since in vitro experiments were historically conducted in Petri dishes or test tubes, made of glass. In vitro cultured cells are purified and isolated from their natural biological environment. (google) |
front 8 ex vivo | back 8 Ex vivo literally translates from Latin as “out of the living.” In these experiments, living tissues are directly taken from a living organism and immediately studied in a laboratory setting with minimal alterations to the organism’s natural conditions. An example of this is the use of human skin explants derived from surgical procedures. |
front 9 in vivo | back 9 these investigations refer to experiments in live animals (NOT in cell cultures) when conducted in humans = clinical (translational) research studying animal as a whole |
front 10 isolating cells and growing them in culture | back 10 isolated from INTACT TISSUE where they live in body
cells can be separated from a mixed cell suspension
front 11 primary cell cultures | back 11
front 12 hayflick limit | back 12 replication capacity of a cell before experiencing senescence and death only occurs in differentiated cells (stem cells can continue to divide) this occurs in our bodies as well |
front 13 senescence due to | back 13 progressive shortening of telomeres |
front 14 telomeres | back 14 repetitive DENA caps of end of each chromosome |
front 15 telomerase | back 15 elongates telomeres, which are shortened after each cell division cells stop making telomerase, which is why their telomeres shorten with each division -> leading to eventual senescence and death of the cell |
front 16 cancer cells express telomerase continuously | back 16 since express it, their telomeres do not shorten, and thus, cancer cells are immortal |
front 17 fate of primary cells | back 17 ![]() senescence
front 18 cell lines | back 18
front 19 transformed cell line | back 19
front 20 tumor cell lines | back 20 cell line derived from primary tumor cells (ex vivo tumor cells, from an organism) |
front 21 transformed cell lines and tumor cell lines grow... | back 21 without attaching to a surface and proliferate to much higher density in a culture dish |
front 22 normal cells treated with carcinogenic chemical compounds or with transforming viruses can result in... these injected in mice can cause | back 22 transformed cell line can cause tumors in mice |
front 23 if injected into mice and cause tumors, the chemical is considered | back 23 carcinogenic short and long term test for genotoxicity and carcinogenicity (transformation test) |
front 24 all cell lines kept frozen in liquid nitrogen + retain viability when thawed | back 24 no data |
front 25 cell lines differ in important ways from normal progenitors in tissues from which they were derived | back 25 ![]() see slide, dont fully understand |
front 26 cell culture medium | back 26
front 27 types of cells in cell culture | back 27 all animal cells in culture are derived from living animal tissue adherent vs suspension
cell types
front 28 stem cell line | back 28 group of stem cells (self renewing cells) that is cultued in vitro and can be propagated indefinitely derived from either animal or human tissues and come from 1 of 3 sources:
front 29 properties of primary cells | back 29
front 30 properties of continuous cells (cell lines) | back 30
front 31 effect of virus infection on cells | back 31 exert modifications on cells
front 32 change of cell morphology after viral infection | back 32 herpes simplex virus (HSV)-induced changes in properties of actin microfilaments of cultured monkey fibroblasts |
front 33 necrosis vs apoptosis | back 33 apoptosis - active, programmed process of autonomous cellular dismantling occurring in a cell, that avoids eliciting inflammation necrosis - passive, accidental cell death of a group of cells resulting from environmental pertubations with uncontrolled release of inflammatory cellular contents some viruses use necrosis, some use apoptosis |
front 34 cell fusion (syncytium) | back 34 viral proteins that mediates fusion of an infected cell with neighboring cells leading to the formation of multi-nucleate cells called syncytia Virus with this put molecules on surface that cause fusion of cell with neighboring cell - flu does this, COVID, and syncytium respiratory virus |
front 35 hemagglutination | back 35 ![]() rxn that causes clumping or RBC in presence of some enveloped virus, such as the influenza virus glycoprotein on viral surface (hemagglutinin) interacts with RBCs leading to clumping of RBCs Hemagglutination - flu virus does this - virus attach to RBC and agglutinate / clump RBC |
front 36 oncogenic transformation by rous sarcoma virus (RSV) | back 36 ![]() transforming virus make tumors |
front 37 primary cells / cell lines / immortality/ telomers / telomerase: summary | back 37 which are cells that can replicate?
Embryo stem cells - Pluripotent – undifferentiated, can become any type of cell Adult stem cells – multipotent - replace cells lost in tissue/organ they reside as needed Benign and malignant tumor cells - tumor cells can be benign – have capacity to replicate, but do not metastasize and invade - telomerase expressed regulated/controlled |
front 38 which are cells that can replicate? | back 38 now in vitro:
telomerase - (an enzyme) is a ribonucleoprotein complex
front 39 cellular senescence is a permanent proliferation arrest that occurs in response to: | back 39 endogenous and exogenous stresses, including telomere dysfunction also to oncogene activation, tumor suppressor genes inactivation, oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, and persistent DNA damage |
front 40 senescence occurs at the ___ levels and is related to the ___ process but not necessarily ro death | back 40
front 41 senescent cells start producing what molecules? | back 41 inflammatory |
front 42 II. GROWTH FACTORS | back 42 part 2 of lecture
growth factors = proteins |
front 43 growth factors and their actions | back 43 the main growth factors dont need to memorize produced by diff cell types macrophages make most types of growth factors |
front 44 growth factor signaling pathways | back 44 kinases - enzymes that phosphorylate (add phosphate groups) growth factor -> receptor -> 1st and second activated kinases -> in nucleus, activated gene regulatory proteins -> early response genes -> delayed response genes = activated cell cycle control system = typical signaling pathway for stimulation of cell proliferation by a growth factor growth factors act on specific receptors
interact w/ receptor -> phosphorylate -> kinases activated / phosphorylated -> kinases go to nucleus -> activate gene/regulatory proteins -> genes have to do w/ expression, regulation, etc |
front 45 4 types chemical signaling | back 45
front 46 III. the cell cycle | back 46 part 3
front 47 cell cycle checkpoint | back 47
front 48 cells can enter nongrowing G0 state | back 48
After exit mitosis, cells may be deprived of serum -> growth arrest = cannot go into G1 ( stay In G0 - nongrowing state) |
front 49 cell cycle synchronization | back 49
In cell culture, all cells at diff phases in cell cycle at one specific time If need all cells to be in the same stage at the same time, allows population-wide data to be collected - can do this by: 1.Serum starvation 2.chemically
front 50 IV. CELL TRANSFORMATION AND ELEMENTS OF CANCER | back 50 part 4 Generation of transformed cells (mechanisms of cell transformation)
front 51 malignant cell transformation refers to the "initiation" first step on carcinogenesis model (???????????) | back 51
- initiation - initiated cell -> cell proliferation -> promotion (altered cell foci prenoplastic lesion) -> genomic instability and increased cell proliferation (addl
genotoxic and promoting carcinogens) = carcinogenesis somatic mutation theory model Model of cancer genesis Malignant transformation – initiation – when cell turns cancer Cancer progress through years from 1st cell’s initiation Initiated cell can be repaired by DNA repair mechanism - if DNA mutation remains, then another body system finds the cell and eliminates it - if still have tumor cell, then these two systems failed to eliminate it - then cell will proliferate -> become tumor - progression – when benign tumor has a cell that then invades blood vessel and metastasizes |
front 52 qualities of transformed cells | back 52
note: transformation is a multistep process, and varying degrees of transformation are measurable |
front 53 molecular determinants in the conversion from normal to the malignant cellular phenotype: "hallmarks of cancer" | back 53
cancer cannot be described in vitro, but only in vivo (invasion and metastasis) Diagnosis in cancer can ONLY be done by a biopsy – shows invasion + metastasis - invasion when a cell of the benign tumor breaks the yellow membrane and goes into extracellular matrix and into blood |
front 54 2 classes of genes in cancer | back 54 oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes |
front 55 proto-oncogenes | back 55
front 56 activated proto-oncogenes | back 56
front 57 more abt proto-oncogenes | back 57
front 58 oncogenes associated w/ retroviruses | back 58 ![]() |
front 59 cellular oncogenes and their functions | back 59 ![]() diff functions of growth factors - all are protooncogenic functions required by normal healthy cell to function - if any are activated, then have an oncogene
front 60 tumor suppressor gene s | back 60
front 61 mechanisms of tumor suppressor gene inactivation | back 61
front 62 oncogenes + tumor suppressors | back 62 ![]() oncogenes - accelerators
tumor suppressors - brakes
front 63 viruses associated w/ human cancer KNOW THESE PROBABLY | back 63