front 1 Berserker | back 1 (N) one whose actions are recklessly defiant. The Berserker destroyed the town. |
front 2 Ransack | back 2 (V) to look through thoroughly, often in a rough way. The warriors ransacked the village. |
front 3 Dregs | back 3 (N) the most undesirable part. The man was one of the many dregs of society. |
front 4 Mire | back 4 (N)wet, spongy earth. The mire was unusually creepy today. |
front 5 Blunder | back 5 (n) :a gross error or mistake resulting usually from stupidity, ignorance, or carelessness. The man's actions were a blunder. |
front 6 Kindle | back 6 (v) :to start (a fire) burning : LIGHT. Steve was the only person who knew how to kindle a fire. |
front 7 Haggle | back 7 (v) :to cut roughly or clumsily : HACK. The man haggled with the shop owner for a better price. |
front 8 Aloft | back 8 (ADV)at or to a great height. The man sat aloft to see where the snake was. |
front 9 Scant | back 9 Scant :(ADJ)excessively frugal. The scant woman didn't buy any food for her baby. |
front 10 Irk | back 10 Irk :(V)to make weary, irritated, or bored. The man felt irked by the shop owner. |
front 11 Bask | back 11 Bask :(V)to lie or relax in a pleasant warmth or atmosphere. The girl basked in the sun all day. |
front 12 Rotten | back 12 Rotten:(ADJ)morally corrupt. The rotten man stepped on my foot. |