front 1 benign | back 1 normal, of no danger to health |
front 2 acute | back 2 new, usually of rapid onset and of concern, opposite of chronic |
front 3 abrasion | back 3 scrape of the skin |
front 4 ambulate | back 4 to walk from place to place |
front 5 bradycardia | back 5 slow heart-rate (<60 BPM) |
front 6 cardiomegaly | back 6 enlarged heart |
front 7 cholecystitis | back 7 inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecyst) |
front 8 chronic | back 8 long-standing, constant |
front 9 cerebrovascular accident (CVA) | back 9 stroke -lack of blood supply to brain causing brain damage |
front 10 diaphoresis | back 10 sweating |
front 11 deep vein thrombosis DVT | back 11 blood clot in a deep vein, usually in an extremity |
front 12 dyspnea | back 12 difficulty/problems w/ breathing |
front 13 dysuria | back 13 painful urination |
front 14 ecchymosis | back 14 bruise |
front 15 edema | back 15 swelling |
front 16 emesis | back 16 vomiting |
front 17 epistaxis | back 17 nose bleed |
front 18 erythema | back 18 redness/red |
front 19 febrile | back 19 elevated body temp, fever |
front 20 grossly | back 20 a lot, obviously |
front 21 hemorrhage | back 21 excessive/profuse bleeding |
front 22 hypertension HTN | back 22 high blood pressure |
front 23 hypotension | back 23 low blood pressure |
front 24 hyperlipidemia HLD | back 24 high cholesterol/lip in blood |
front 25 hypoxia | back 25 low O2 sat of the body, not enough O2 in the blood |
front 26 ischemia | back 26 lack of blood supply |
front 27 laceration | back 27 splitting of the skin due to trauma a cut due to something sharp |
front 28 melena | back 28 black tarry stool |
front 29 myocardial infarction MI | back 29 death of cardiac muscle due to ischemia aka HEART ATTACK |
front 30 myalgia | back 30 muscle aches/pain |
front 31 pallor | back 31 pale skin |
front 32 pruritic | back 32 itchy |
front 33 pulmonary embolism PE | back 33 blocking of a pulmonary artery due to a blood clot |
front 34 purulent | back 34 pus-like |
front 35 rhinorrhea | back 35 clear nasal discharge "runny nose" |
front 36 sepsis | back 36 dangerous infection of the blood |
front 37 STEMI | back 37 ST elevation MI, real-time, ongoing death of cardiac tissue due to ischemia |
front 38 syncope | back 38 passing out, loss of consciousness or fainting |
front 39 tachycardia | back 39 fast heart rate (>100 BPM) |
front 40 tachypnea | back 40 increased breathing rate |
front 41 transient ischemic attack TIA | back 41 mini/minor stroke wehre neurological function is regained quickly w/ time |
front 42 vertigo | back 42 dizziness/room spinning |
front 43 Abd | back 43 abdomen/abdominal |
front 44 A Fib | back 44 atrial fibrillation |
front 45 Abx | back 45 antibiotics |
front 46 AMS | back 46 altered mental status |
front 47 ASA | back 47 aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) |
front 48 BID | back 48 twice daily |
front 49 Bilat LE | back 49 bilateral lower extremities |
front 50 BM | back 50 bowel movements |
front 51 BP | back 51 blood pressure |
front 52 CA | back 52 cancer, carcinoma |
front 53 CABG | back 53 coronary artery bypass graft, "open heart surgery" |
front 54 PMHx | back 54 past medical history |
front 55 PSHx | back 55 past surgical history |
front 56 PO | back 56 to be taken by mouth |
front 57 LNMP | back 57 last normal menstrual period |
front 58 CAD | back 58 coronary artery disease, "heart disease" |
front 59 CHF | back 59 congestive heart failure |
front 60 COPD | back 60 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
front 61 CP | back 61 chest pain |
front 62 CVA | back 62 cerebrovascular accident aka stroke also stands for costovertebral angle |
front 63 CXR | back 63 chest x-ray |
front 64 c/o | back 64 complains of |
front 65 DM | back 65 diabetes mellitus |
front 66 DOE | back 66 dyspnea on exertion |
front 67 DVT | back 67 deep vein thrombosis |
front 68 Dx | back 68 diagnosis |
front 69 Dz | back 69 disease |
front 70 FHx | back 70 family history |
front 71 Fx | back 71 fracture |
front 72 HA | back 72 headache |
front 73 HEENT | back 73 head, eyes, ears, nose, throat |
front 74 HPI | back 74 history of present illness |
front 75 HTN | back 75 hypertension |
front 76 Hx | back 76 history |
front 77 SH/ SocHx | back 77 social history |
front 78 IDDM | back 78 insulin dependent diabetes mellitus |
front 79 JVD | back 79 jugular vein distension |
front 80 LOC | back 80 loss of consciousness |
front 81 MI | back 81 myocardial infarction |
front 82 MVA/MVC | back 82 motor vehicle accident/collision |
front 83 NAD | back 83 no acute distress/disease |
front 84 NIDDM | back 84 non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus |
front 85 NKDA | back 85 no known drug allergies |
front 86 nml or nl | back 86 normal |
front 87 NSR | back 87 normal sinus rhythm |
front 88 NTG | back 88 nitroglycerin |
front 89 N/V/D | back 89 nausea/vomiting/diarrhea |
front 90 O2 Sat | back 90 oxygen saturation aka SaO2 |
front 91 OD | back 91 overdose |
front 92 PCP | back 92 primary care physician |
front 93 PE | back 93 pulmonary embolism or physical exam |
front 94 PERRL | back 94 pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light |
front 95 PO | back 95 by mouth |
front 96 prn | back 96 as needed |
front 97 pt | back 97 pateint |
front 98 PTA | back 98 prior to arrival |
front 99 qd | back 99 every day |
front 100 qh | back 100 every hour |
front 101 qhs | back 101 at every bedtime |
front 102 q2h | back 102 every 2 hours |
front 103 QID | back 103 four times a day |
front 104 ROM | back 104 range of motion |
front 105 RUQ | back 105 right upper quadrant |
front 106 RLQ | back 106 right lower quadrant |
front 107 Rx | back 107 prescription |
front 108 r/o | back 108 rule out |
front 109 SOB | back 109 shortness of breath |
front 110 s/p | back 110 status post means after ex: after myomectomy, status post myomectomy |
front 111 Sx | back 111 symptoms |
front 112 TIA | back 112 transient ischemic attack |
front 113 TID | back 113 three times a day |
front 114 Tx | back 114 treatment |
front 115 UA | back 115 urinalysis |
front 116 URI | back 116 upper respiratory infection |
front 117 US | back 117 ultrasound |
front 118 UTP | back 118 up to date |
front 119 UTI | back 119 urinary tract infection |
front 120 WNL | back 120 within normal limits |