front 1 Altercation | back 1 Altercation is a nicer word for "quarrel," which is a nicer word for "fight." Fight is a simple, effective one-syllable word, while quarrel is a softer, two-syllable word, and altercation is a very civilized-sounding four-syllable word for the same uncivilized thing: a noisy argument between angry people. |
front 2 dopamine | back 2 多巴胺 |
front 3 racial slurs | back 3 种族诽谤 |
front 4 shutter | back 4 百叶窗 |
front 5 Anatomy and Physiology | back 5 解剖学和生理学 |
front 6 ball hockey cricket ultimate frisbee Rugby | back 6 曲棍球 板球 极限飞盘 (英式)橄榄球 |
front 7 Swastika | back 7 In the western world it is more widely recognized as a symbol of the German Nazi Party 卍(左旋)或卐(右旋)[注 1](中文读作「万」 |
front 8 clutter | back 8 杂乱 |
front 9 Intramural - Intramural sports - Intramural basketball competition | back 9 校内的 |
front 10 vindictive | back 10 no data |