front 1 Gullible | back 1 easily cheated or fooled |
front 2 Hamper | back 2 to prevent the free movement, action, or progress of; to hinder or impede |
front 3 Hearten | back 3 to give strength, courage, or hope; to encourage |
front 4 Hiatus | back 4 a gap or an interruption in space, time, or continuity; a break |
front 5 Hierarchy | back 5 categorization of a group according to ability or status |
front 6 Iconoclast | back 6 one who attacks and seeks to overthrow traditional or popular ideas or institutions |
front 7 Idolatry | back 7 blind or excessive devotion to something |
front 8 Idyllic | back 8 charming in a rustic way; naturally peaceful |
front 9 Impair | back 9 to cause to diminish, as in strength, value, or quality |
front 10 Incessant | back 10 continuing without interruption; nonstop |