front 1
| back 1
front 2 How do binary numbers and bit depth relate to each other? | back 2 just like binary numbers, more “bits” means more information, which means a higher resolution audio file |
front 3 What are some considerations you would make when selecting a sample rate? | back 3 because we can hear up to 20,000 Hz, our minimum sample rate must be at least 40,000 Hz, or 40 kHz |
front 4 What does a word clock do? | back 4 Digital audio systems need highly accurate timekeeping when processing tens of thousands of samples per second. ADCs have an internal word clock to ensure accurate sampling |
front 5 What is the advantage of using a balanced connection? How does it work? | back 5 If two balanced pieces of equipment are connected by a balanced cable, it creates a balanced connection, which cancels out some of the noise that occurs in an unbalanced connection. Balanced connections have a third leg, called the “negative leg”, making a total of three contacts. If any of the pieces of the signal chain are replaced with an unbalanced component, the connection becomes unbalanced |
front 6
| back 6 unbalanced connections pass signal through two conductive wires, one called the “positive leg” and one called the “ground leg”. Each of these legs loops into the signal chain when plugged into a guitar, stereo receiver or other piece of analog equipment. An unbalanced audio cable tends to introduce noise and should be kept under 25 feet to reduce extraneous noise |
front 7 What is the purpose of shielding? | back 7 unbalanced cables need shielding, otherwise unbalanced analog connections would be noisier than they already are |
front 8 Which cables need shielding and which do not? | back 8
front 9 Consider the following connections: XLR, RCA, TS, TRS, speaker wire. Which are balanced? Which are shielded? What level of voltage is acceptable for each connection? | back 9
front 10 What are the rules for setting input gain while reading the VU meter? | back 10 set the gain of the preamp to record at a nominal input level of -14 dB, should ideally peak at around -3 dB |
front 11 What are the rules for setting the fader levels when monitoring the master output? | back 11 set the channel faders to where the Master Output peaks between -3 dB and -1 dB. |
front 12 What does a compressor do, and why do we use it? | back 12 A compressor reduces the dynamic range of an audio signal, we use it to reduce the volume of transient peaks and to make quieter moments audible for sounds with wide dynamic range |