front 1 utmost (adj) | back 1 most extreme; greatest (최고의, 극도의) |
front 2 blather (v) | back 2 to talk for a long time in a silly/annoying way (계속 지껄이다) |
front 3 censor (v) | back 3 to remove parts of something, such as a book, movie, or letter, that you don't want someone to see or hear (삭제하다) |
front 4 agitation (n) | back 4 worry and anxiety (불안, 동요) |
front 5 leaflet (n) | back 5 a piece of paper that gives you information or advertises something (광고나 선전용) 전단 |
front 6 slanderous (adj) | back 6 false, and damaging to someone's reputation (중상하는[모략적인]) |
front 7 bewildered (adj) | back 7 confused and uncertain (어리둥절한) |
front 8 indignant (adj) | back 8 angry because of something that is wrong or not fair (분해 하는) |
front 9 spiel (n) | back 9 a speech that is long and spoken quickly and is intended to persuade the person listening (능숙하게 떠벌리는 말) |
front 10 melancholy (n) | back 10 a feeling of sadness or depression' sadness that lasts for a very long time (우울감) |
front 11 brusque (adj) | back 11 quick and direct in manner or speech, and often not polite (무뚝뚝한, 퉁명스러운) |
front 12 contradict (v) | back 12 (of people) to state the opposite of what someone has said, or to be so different from another fact (반박하다) |
front 13 treason (n) | back 13 showing no loyalty to your country especially by helping its enemies (반역죄) |
front 14 density (n) | back 14 the quality of being close together and difficult to go or see through (밀도) |
front 15 infancy (n) | back 15 the earliest period in the life or development of anything (초창기,유아기) |
front 16 revolve (v) | back 16 to move or cause something to move around a central point/line (축을 중심으로) 돌다[회전하다] |
front 17 counter-intuitive (adj) | back 17 doesn't happen in the way you would expect it to (직관에 반대되는) |
front 18 mortality (n) | back 18 the way that people don't live forever; #of deaths within a particular society (언젠가는 죽어야 함, 죽음을 피할 수 없음/사망자 수) |
front 19 inevitable (adj) | back 19 certain to happen and unable to be avoided (불가피한) |
front 20 leniency (n) | back 20 treatment in which someone is punished/judged less strongly than expected (너그러움, 관대함) |
front 21 cull (v) | back 21 to reduce the size of by killing (도태시키다) |