front 1 data (n) | back 1 information collected for use (데이터, 정보) |
front 2 evaluate (v) | back 2 to judge or calculate the quality, value of something (평가하다) |
front 3 resign (v) | back 3 end a game early by accepting defeat (사직[사임]하다) |
front 4 epic (adj) | back 4 on a grand scale (엄청난) |
front 5 professionalism (n) | back 5 the skill, good judgement that is expected from a person who is trained to do a job well (전문성) |
front 6 retire (v) | back 6 to leave your job/ stop working because of old age (은퇴[퇴직]하다) |
front 7 calculable (adj) | back 7 able to be measured (계산[산정]할 수 있는) |
front 8 coverage (n) | back 8 the reporting of a particular important event/subject (보도) |
front 9 overconfidence (n) | back 9 the quality of being too certain of your abilities ( 지나친 자신감[자부]) |
front 10 incomprehensible (adj) | back 10 impossible/ extremely difficult to understand (이해할 수 없는) |
front 11 concede (v) | back 11 to admit that something is true, or to allow something (인정하다[수긍하다]) |
front 12 rattled (adj) | back 12 worried/nervous (걱정하는, 긴장한) |
front 13 commentary (n) | back 13 a spoken description of an event on the radio that is broadcast as the event happens (오디오 방송) |
front 14 second-guess (v) | back 14 to question or doubt someone's actions after is has happened (예측[추측]하다, 다시 생각하다) |
front 15 variation (n) | back 15 something which is slightly different from the usual form (변화[차이]) |
front 16 debut (v) | back 16 to perform or appear in public for the first time (데뷔하다) |
front 17 somber (adj) | back 17 serious and sad in appearance or feeling (침울한, 우울한) |
front 18 burden (n) | back 18 a duty or responsibility that cause worry, hardship (부담, 짐) |