front 1 ADEN/O | back 1 gland |
front 2 ARTERI/O | back 2 artery |
front 3 ARTHR/O | back 3 joint |
front 4 BLEPHAR/O | back 4 eyelid |
front 5 BRONCH/O | back 5 windpipe/throat |
front 6 CEPHAL/O | back 6 head |
front 7 CEREBR/O | back 7 brain |
front 8 CHOL/O | back 8 bile |
front 9 CHONDR/O | back 9 cartilage |
front 10 COL/O | back 10 lower intestine |
front 11 COLP/O | back 11 vagina |
front 12 COR/O | back 12 pupil of eye |
front 13 CORTIC/O | back 13 cortex |
front 14 COST/O | back 14 rib |
front 15 CYST/O | back 15 bladder, cyst |
front 16 CYT/O- | back 16 cell |
front 17 DACRY/O | back 17 tears |
front 18 DENT/I | back 18 tooth |
front 19 DEXTR/O | back 19 right side |
front 20 ENCEPHAL/O | back 20 brain |
front 21 ENTER/O | back 21 intestine |
front 22 FIBR/O | back 22 fibrous |
front 23 GASTR/O | back 23 stomach |
front 24 GLOSS/O | back 24 tongue |
front 25 GYNEC/O | back 25 woman |
front 26 HEM/A | back 26 Blood |
front 27 HEM/O | back 27 blood |
front 28 HEPAT/O | back 28 liver |
front 29 HIST/O | back 29 tissue |
front 30 Hyster/O | back 30 uterus, womb |
front 31 ILI/O | back 31 flank, upper hip bone |
front 32 IRID/O | back 32 iris of the eye |
front 33 LABI/O | back 33 lip |
front 34 LAPAR/O | back 34 flank, abdominal wall |
front 35 MAST/O | back 35 breast |
front 36 METR/O | back 36 uterus |
front 37 MYEL/O | back 37 marrow, spinal cord |
front 38 MY/O | back 38 muscle |
front 39 NEPHR/O | back 39 kidney |
front 40 NEUR/O | back 40 nerve |
front 41 ODONT/O | back 41 tooth |
front 42 OPHTHALM/O | back 42 eye |
front 43 OPT/O | back 43 eye |
front 44 ORCHID/O | back 44 testes |
front 45 OSS/I | back 45 bone |
front 46 OSTE/O | back 46 BONE |
front 47 OT/O | back 47 ear |
front 48 OV/I | back 48 egg |
front 49 PHLEB/O | back 49 vein |
front 50 PLEUR/O | back 50 rib, side of body |
front 51 PNEUM/O | back 51 lung, air |
front 52 POD/O | back 52 foot |
front 53 POLI/O | back 53 grey matter |
front 54 PROCT/O | back 54 anus, rectum |
front 55 PULM/O | back 55 lung |
front 56 PYEL/O | back 56 pelvis |
front 57 REN/I | back 57 kidney |
front 58 SANGUI | back 58 blood |
front 59 SARC/O | back 59 flesh |
front 60 SER-O | back 60 serum, blood |
front 61 SIAL/O | back 61 salivary glands |
front 62 SOMAT/O | back 62 body |
front 63 SPONDYL/O | back 63 vertebra |
front 64 STOMAT/O | back 64 mouth |
front 65 THORAC/O | back 65 chest |
front 66 THROMB/O | back 66 blood clot |
front 67 TRACHE/O | back 67 windpipe, trachea |
front 68 TRICH/O | back 68 hair |
front 69 URETHR/O | back 69 urethra |
front 70 UR/O | back 70 urine |
front 71 UTER/O | back 71 womb, uterus |
front 72 VAS/O | back 72 vessel |
front 73 VEN/O | back 73 vein |
front 74 VENTR/O | back 74 abdomen |