front 1 interpreted | back 1 to explain and understand the meaning of something |
front 2 chemist | back 2 a person engaged in chemical research and experiments |
front 3 monument | back 3 a statue, building or other structure to commemorate a famous person or event |
front 4 deployed | back 4 troops moved into position for military action OR to bring something into action or utilize something (They are not always able to deploy this skill." |
front 5 sergeant | back 5 a position in the armed forces ranking above corporal and below staff sergeant |
front 6 duties | back 6 moral or legal obligation; responsibilities |
front 7 composure | back 7 the state or feeling of being calm and in control of oneself |
front 8 remarkable | back 8 worth of attention; impressive |
front 9 discharged | back 9 told officially that you must leave a job, place or sitatuion |
front 10 chlorine | back 10 a toxic element (sometimes used for cleaning and purification) that can be in a solid, liquid or gas form; chlorine was used as a weapon in war |
front 11 recuperation | back 11 recovery from illness or exertion |
front 12 personified | back 12 to represent or embody a quality or concept; The soldier personified honour. |
front 13 purification | back 13 the removal of contaminants from something |
front 14 devastation | back 14 great destruction or damage; severe and overwhelming shock or grief |
front 15 humility | back 15 a modest or low view of one's own importance; humbleness |
front 16 commemorated | back 16 recall and show respect for someone or something |
front 17 immigrated | back 17 come to live permanently in a foreign country |
front 18 decorated | back 18 having been awarded a mark or marks of honour |
front 19 interrogate | back 19 ask questions of someone in a formal and sometimes forceful way |
front 20 perpetual | back 20 never-ending or changing; The country suffered from perpetual war and violence. |