front 1 immigrate (v) | back 1 to come to live in a different country permanently (이민가다) |
front 2 abusive (adj) | back 2 using rude and offensive words; treating someone badly especially physically (모욕적인, 폭력적인) |
front 3 fragile (adj) | back 3 easily damaged, broken, harmed; weak or in poor health (부서지기[손상되기] 쉬운) |
front 4 provoke (v) | back 4 to cause a particular reaction or feeling; to try to make a person or animal angry ((특정한 반응을) 유발하다) |
front 5 unstable (adj) | back 5 not solid and firm, not strong or likely to last (불안정한) |
front 6 elite (adj) | back 6 belonging to the richest, most powerful group in a society (일류의, 엘리트 집안의) |
front 7 grueling (adj) | back 7 extremely tiring and difficult and demanding great effort (녹초로 만드는, 엄한) |
front 8 stealth (n) | back 8 movement that is careful and quiet (잠행) |
front 9 asset (n) | back 9 a useful or valuable quality,skill, or person (자산(이 되는 사람·물건)) |
front 10 evacuate (v) | back 10 to move people from a dangerous place to somewhere safe (대피시키다) |
front 11 crippling (adj) | back 11 causing serious injuries (불구로 만드는) |
front 12 sniper (n) | back 12 someone who shoots at people from a place they can't be seen (저격수) |
front 13 mentor (n) | back 13 an experienced person who gives someone advice and help especially related to work or school (멘토, 선배) |
front 14 unremarkable (adj) | back 14 ordinary and not interesting (특별할 것 없는, 평범한) |
front 15 candidate (n) | back 15 a person who is competing to get a job or elected position (후보자, 출마자) |
front 16 mission (n) | back 16 an important job that someone is sent somewhere to do (임무) |
front 17 heroic (adj) | back 17 very brave/great (영웅적인) |
front 18 recruit (n) | back 18 a new member of a company or organization (신병, 새로운 구성원, 신입 사원) |