front 1 tingle (v) | back 1 a feeling as if a lot of sharp points are being putt quickly into your body (따끔거리다) |
front 2 bushel (n) | back 2 a unit of measurement of volume of dry products =32 quarts/35.2 liters (부셸(곡물이나 과일의 중량 단위로 8갤런에 해당하는 양)) |
front 3 lousy (adj) | back 3 very unpleasant (안 좋은, 엉망인) |
front 4 ointment (n) | back 4 a thick substance, containing medicine that is put on the skin (연고) |
front 5 resent (v) | back 5 to dislike or be angry at something because you have been hurt/not treated fairly (분하게[억울하게] 여기다) |
front 6 vile (adj) | back 6 utterly bad, evil (극도로 불쾌한) |
front 7 sparingly (adv) | back 7 in small amounts (절약하며 사용하는) |
front 8 rev (v) | back 8 in increase the speed of engine of vehicle while it is not moving ((엔진의) 회전 속도를 올리다) |
front 9 cross-reference (n) | back 9 reference to another text, typically given in order to elaborate on a point (상호 참조) |
front 10 systematic (adj) | back 10 using an organized method that is detailed (체계적인, 조직적인) |
front 11 emerald (n) | back 11 a transparent, green stone that is used in jewelry (에메랄드) |
front 12 parch (v) | back 12 to dry something out because of too much heat and not enough rain (바싹 마르게[몹시 건조하게] 하다) |
front 13 investigation (n) | back 13 the act of examining a crime, problem carefully to discover the truth (수사[조사]) |
front 14 behemoth (n) | back 14 something that is large and powerful (거대 기업[조직체]) |
front 15 condemned (adj) | back 15 sentenced to a particular punishment especially death ( 비난받은, 유죄 선고를 받은) |
front 16 side effect (n) | back 16 an unexpected result or condition that comes along with the desired effect of something (부작용) |
front 17 musculature (n) | back 17 the position and structure of the muscles (근육계) |
front 18 gregarious (adj) | back 18 liking to be with other people (남과 어울리기 좋아하는, 사교적인 ) |
front 19 beacon (n) | back 19 a good example that gives people hope |
front 20 whirlwind (n) | back 20 a storm with strong winds that move in a circle (회오리바람, 돌개바람) |
front 21 diminutive (adj) | back 21 very small' short form of a name (아주 작은, 약칭) |