front 1 Affable | back 1 - Easy to speak to; approachable; friendly |
front 2 Ardor | back 2 - Enthusiasm; passion |
front 3 Ascertain | back 3 - To find or learn with certainty; make sure of |
front 4 Aver | back 4 - State or assert to be the case in a definite way |
front 5 Commonwealth | back 5 - An independent country or community, especially a democratic republic - A traditional English term for a political community founded for the common good |
front 6 Conscientious | back 6 - Guided by one's sense of right and wrong - thorough; with careful attention |
front 7 Desolation | back 7 - A state of complete emptiness or destruction - Anguished misery or loneliness |
front 8 Entrhall | back 8 - To keep someone completely interested; to captivate |
front 9 Epigram | back 9 - A short, witty saying |
front 10 Heresy | back 10 - Belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious (especially Christian) doctrine Dissent or deviation from a dominant theory, opinion, or practice |
front 11 Ignominios | back 11 - SHameful, disgraceful |
front 12 Indict | back 12 - A legal term, to formally charge with a serious crime - To accuse |
front 13 Indite | back 13 - To write, to compose |
front 14 Ineffable | back 14 - Beyond description; indescribable - Not to be uttered; taboo |
front 15 Mein | back 15 - Air or bearing, especially one expressive of attitude or personality |
front 16 Polyglot | back 16 - A person who knows several languages well |
front 17 Prescience | back 17 - Knowledge of events before they occur; foresight; foreknowledge |
front 18 Prescient | back 18 - Having or showing knowledge of events before they take place |
front 19 Proscribe | back 19 - To denounce or condemn - To prohibit; to forbid |
front 20 Putative | back 20 - Commonly accepted or supposed |
front 21 Sagacious | back 21 - Shrewd; having good judgement; perceptive |
front 22 Sagacity | back 22 - The quality of being sagacious |