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Inferior Nasal Conchae: The inferior nasal conchae,
also known as the inferior turbinates, are thin, curved bones within
the nasal cavity. Situated on the lateral walls of the nasal cavity,
projecting inward like shelves.
Mandible: Commonly known as the jawbone, is the
largest and strongest bone in the human face.
The body of the mandible:forms the lower jaw and
contains the alveolar processes that support the lower teeth.
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Mental Foramen: The mental foramen is an opening or
hole located on the external surface of the mandible, which is the
lower jawbone. Holes on both side, near chin (on model)
Mental Eminence (protuberance): Bump near chin (on
Alveolar Process: The alveolar
process refers to the bony ridge within the maxillary (upper jaw)
and mandibular (lower jaw) bones that contains the sockets, or
alveoli, for the teeth. The alveolar processes provide support and
housing for the roots of the teeth, securing them in position.
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Ramus: The mandibular ramus is a part of the
mandible (lower jawbone). The mandible has two rami (plural for
ramus), each extending upward from the body of the mandible. The
mandibular ramus has two main processes:
Coronoid Process: The coronoid process is situated
at the upper end of each mandibular ramus. The coronoid process is
situated at the upper end of each mandibular ramus.
Mandibular Condyle: a bony
prominence located at the posterior (back) end of each mandibular
ramus, which is part of the lower jawbone (mandible).
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Central and
Lateral Incisors: Central and
lateral incisors are types of teeth found in both the upper
(maxillary) and lower (mandibular) dental arches. The central
incisors are the most anterior (front) teeth in both the maxillary
and mandibular dental arches. In each dental arch, there are two
central incisors—one on the right side and one on the left.
Canines:The central incisors are the most anterior
(front) teeth in both the maxillary and mandibular dental arches.In
each dental arch, there are two central incisors—one on the right
side and one on the left.