front 1 Indicate which syllable(s) receives emphasis when pronounced. (You may need to select more than one answer. Single click the box with the question mark to produce a check mark and double click the box with a question mark to empty the box for a wrong answer.) iridectomy
| back 1
front 2 In the first drop-down box, select the word part in the following term. Then, in the second drop-down box, select the correct definition for that word part. retinotomy ______ ______ | back 2 Blank 1: retino Blank 2: retina |
front 3 Build a medical term from the information provided. incision into the cornea (use kerat/o) ______ | back 3 keratotomy |
front 4 In the first drop-down box, select the word part in the following term. Then, in the second drop-down box, select the correct definition for that word part. cycloplegic ______ ______ | back 4 Blank 1: cyclo Blank 2: ciliary body |
front 5 In the first drop-down box, select the word part in the following term. Then, in the second drop-down box, select the correct definition for that word part. iridectomy ______ ______ | back 5 Blank 1: irid Blank 2: iris |