front 1 Defeated | back 1 Won a victory over someone in a war, contest, or game |
front 2 Disturbed | back 2 Bothered someone or something |
front 3 Mad | back 3 Unable to think in a clear or sensible way |
front 4 Miserable | back 4 Very unhappy |
front 5 Proud | back 5 Very happy and pleased because of something you have done |
front 6 Rage | back 6 A strong feeling of anger that is difficult to control |
front 7 Pardon | back 7 Used as a polite apology for a minor fault or offense |
front 8 Arrogant | back 8 Having the insulting attitude of people who believe that they are better or more important than other people |
front 9 Envy | back 9 The feeling of wanting to have what someone else has |
front 10 Pity | back 10 A strong feeling of sadness or sympathy for someone |